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What should I bid as South East opens one Diamond what to bid next by South
Posted 2018-November-24, 04:36
I'm not too keen on the takeout double vulnerable on the second round as West could be unlimited, but it does look like your points are 'working' and whilst ♠652 is hardly a suit, I prefer double than a 2♦ overcall if West had opened 1♥.
Posted 2018-November-24, 13:15
I'm ok with the south bidding. It could be better (have 4 spades), but takeout doubles are not always ideal. The north hand, though, should bid 2n to show values and hearts stopped. Even if partner had 4 spades, you don't have a hand that is conducive to play in a suit. The 2n bid should put the brakes on partner's bidding if the opponents should continue bidding.
Posted 2018-November-25, 03:23
The initial pass by south is right. The second round double is a bit aggressive but okay. As North, I would pass at MPs and bid 2S at IMPs. (I'm not sure I have a natural 2N available in this auction, and even then, it seems risky.)
Posted 2018-November-25, 03:59
I think that the auction is reasonable.
I think that you would have done better using the second club trick to cross to the board for another heart ruff
I think that you would have done better using the second club trick to cross to the board for another heart ruff
Alderaan delenda est
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After East's 2♥ rebid, South's double and North's 2♠ both seem reasonable.
2♠ is not such a bad contract.