I am often consulted about rulings from major Scottish events but I did not know what the ruling should be in the following case. I cannot publish the precise hand and happenings because too many people are embarrassed by their play, their failure to call the director in a timely manner, their inability to remember what was played when, and the director is not happy either with their own performance, but I think I can provide the problem I was unclear about.
Declarer was following the normal line for the contract and heading for down two. Late in the hand a defender revoked, not winning the revoke trick, but this caused declarer to go four down as his long suit could no longer be run. The one-trick revoke penalty would not restore equity, so the director should do so.
Is equity two down, as would have happened without the revoke, or one down given the normal result following a one trick revoke penalty?
Part of the embarrassment is that if declarer had called the director before the revoke was established, the bizarre card played as the revoke would have been a penalty card which could have led to the contract making. Declarer's initial argument to the director was that this should have been the ruling
Thanks for your assistance