kmtnyc, on 2018-October-27, 14:34, said:
So where do we find the answer?

I'm not sure about "the" answer, but "an" answer - the one at the table is:
Not what you were expecting? I guess that they were always going to slam, once North chose to evaluate his hand as a 20 count (not silly). But the rest of the room probably opened 1
♦ and all other pairs ended up in 3NT (except one 5
♥ contract!). It seems that South did not have the tools to investigate a minor suit slam after a 2NT opening and so, with half a toolbox, they finished in 6NT - which looks like a reasonable slam
unless I can lead a spade.
My thinking was that the auction tended to suggest that North might be short in a major, so leading a major was favourite. I don't like leading from JXXX and a passive lead is often right against 6NT (I wasn't expecting a six-card suit in dummy), so I chose to lead a heart, like most respondents here.