mikeh, on 2018-October-16, 11:03, said:
Actually, this hand 'technically' has 2 losers
And assuming, as seems reasonable, that the opps have all or most of the spade honours (they are red v white!), partner is marked with at least the diamond King, so this hand, having a LTC of 2, rates to find a nice dummy.
And the pass is not 'tame'. It is, in fact, the most aggressive call one can make, inviting partner to bid a slam with a decent long suit (which can only be diamonds on this hand), which we intend to raise to grand...the antithesis of 'tame'. Partner is expected to bid 5N with 2 places to play, and to double only with a blah hand, whereon, personally, I think it to be close but I would choose 6♥. Stronger, by logical inference than bidding 6H directly.
And the pass is not 'tame'. It is, in fact, the most aggressive call one can make, inviting partner to bid a slam with a decent long suit (which can only be diamonds on this hand), which we intend to raise to grand...the antithesis of 'tame'. Partner is expected to bid 5N with 2 places to play, and to double only with a blah hand, whereon, personally, I think it to be close but I would choose 6♥. Stronger, by logical inference than bidding 6H directly.
Sir,I am SORRY,this comment of mine was placed by mistake on my part in this column.It was actually meant for the other problem which was was given today.I have since corrected it as "wrong post".