Make 6 spades
Posted 2018-September-20, 07:55
Posted 2018-September-20, 09:55
That hasn't given it away, has it?
Posted 2018-September-20, 11:16
Posted 2018-September-20, 11:46
Posted 2018-September-20, 12:21
bravejason, on 2018-September-20, 11:46, said:
You've identified the problem! Can you figure out the solution? Clearly winning 1 diamond and playing hearts doesn't work due to entries, as you have correctly identified...
Posted 2018-September-20, 14:52
Anyway that's neither here nor there.
Posted 2018-September-20, 15:42
kuhchung, on 2018-September-20, 14:52, said:
I usually do post SD first then DD later, but in this case I thought DD did not help much anyway. An intermediate is likely to still have difficulty in eliminating the impossible to embrace the unlikely.
Posted 2018-September-21, 00:50
Posted 2018-September-21, 00:55
Posted 2018-September-21, 01:53
Posted 2018-September-21, 01:54
perfectbid, on 2018-September-21, 00:50, said:
In real play, I've only seen one hand where discarding an ace might have been necessary, unfortunately the opps didn't find the lead that would have necessitated it.
Unusual auction consisting only of jump bids and the best hand I've ever held opposite a 2♣ opener, unfortunately they didn't lead a spade
Posted 2018-September-21, 02:03
Posted 2018-September-21, 07:38
What can go wrong? And what can be done? As soon as we see that the heart A is not needed to total 12, and then see that is an obstacle, we are apt to see the solution.
Not all hands can be thoroughly planned at T1, but some can. Not that I always take my own advice.
Posted 2018-September-21, 09:53
Tramticket, on 2018-September-21, 09:22, said:
It wouldn't help you here, if you got the answer of two aces.
Just realised you might be talking about the original hand. It still wouldn't help, but in this case because you don't have enough tricks.
London UK
Posted 2018-September-21, 09:59
Cyberyeti, on 2018-September-21, 01:54, said:
In real play, I've only seen one hand where discarding an ace might have been necessary, unfortunately the opps didn't find the lead that would have necessitated it.
Unusual auction consisting only of jump bids and the best hand I've ever held opposite a 2♣ opener, unfortunately they didn't lead a spade
Wouldn't be such a great contract if the reason for not leading a spade was not having one.

London UK