1C-2D 8-10 balanced looking for a good schema
Posted 2018-August-17, 10:09
I am wondering if any of you could share ideas or notes for this style, especially after the 1C-2D 8-10 positive. We currently use 1C-2NT as 12-14. Where should we load the 15+ balanced?
Any notable disadvantages in this style? Our old 1C-2D as a heart positive really makes it hard for the big club hand to show a minor suit as we begin at the 3 level and burn a lot space.
Any ideas or thoughts appreciated. I tried to find old threads but searching specifically for this was a challenge.
Posted 2018-August-17, 10:35
jmc, on 2018-August-17, 10:09, said:
I am wondering if any of you could share ideas or notes for this style, especially after the 1C-2D 8-10 positive. We currently use 1C-2NT as 12-14. Where should we load the 15+ balanced?
Any notable disadvantages in this style? Our old 1C-2D as a heart positive really makes it hard for the big club hand to show a minor suit as we begin at the 3 level and burn a lot space.
Any ideas or thoughts appreciated. I tried to find old threads but searching specifically for this was a challenge.
I use 2D* as @8-11.
Opener without a 4M tends to bid 2D*-3N. So a 2N rebid shows a 4M.
Meckwell tends to bid 2D*-2N/3N holding a stiff king.
I also use 1C-1H* is 12+NT or 5+ Ss. Opener
bids 1H*-1S with 5+Ss or bids 1N/2C/2D.
Posted 2018-August-17, 12:00
2M shows 5M
Responder bids in steps his support for openers M
If 2 card support, natural bidding.
If 3or 4cd support, opener may relay for doubleton,
After 1C-2D,2N
After 3C or 3D opener may relay for more shape info or may agree the major at the 3L.
I think 1C-2D, 3H is 5/5 both minors and 1C-2D, 3S is the same with more serious interest.
1C-2D is helpful describing a minimum GF blah hand before the suction gets competitive. It also terribly preempted opener from describing his shape and violates the balanced hand principle
Posted 2018-August-17, 15:27
After 1C-2D,
2M shows 5, with the usual artificial responses (as with 1C-1N-2M or 1C-2C-2M) - I suppose if you had specific singleton support showing responses, you might want to change this, but there is a question of how much memory load you want.
3m shows a single suited hand.
2N denies a 5 card major but is not necessarily balanced. After 2N:
1C-2D-2N-3S shows 4 hearts
1C-2D-2N-3H shows 4 spades
1C-2D-2N-3D shows 44 majors
1C-2D-2N-3C shows slam interest in a minor, after which opener bids:
3N denies slam interest opposite almost any 10 count.
3H/S shows a small singleton in the suit bid, at least 3 in each minor (and at least 8 in the minors combined, since no 5 card major)
3D shows slam interest opposite the right 9/10 count, on which responder bids 3H for clubs, 3S for diamonds, 3N for both.
Posted 2018-August-17, 19:50
This system uses a lot of differentiation for unusual hands mixed into different bids. But I think simply using 1D for club positives is possible.
Now you have 1N for 12+ balanced or 11+ balanced; as you wish. So, you have enough room to get full shape and strength of responder if you want.
Also, means you can include 2N as a 4441 bid.
Posted 2018-August-18, 08:39
1H = No 5M, no 6m, not 5-5 minors.
1S = 5+H
1NT = 5+S
2C = 6+D
2D = 6+C
2NT = 5-5 minors
This 1H response gives more space for opener to describe his hand. I've also seen these response moved up one step, with 1H being any super-positive (like 12+ or similar) which limits the other responses.
Posted 2018-August-18, 10:11
Kungsgeten, on 2018-August-18, 08:39, said:
1H = No 5M, no 6m, not 5-5 minors.
1S = 5+H
1NT = 5+S
2C = 6+D
2D = 6+C
2NT = 5-5 minors
This 1H response gives more space for opener to describe his hand. I've also seen these response moved up one step, with 1H being any super-positive (like 12+ or similar) which limits the other responses.
That's a really practical response structure for those who want interactive (non-relay) bidding while giving thought to space preservation. I've mulled something similar but it would be nice if the continuations could become as natural as possible.
After 1C-1S, for example, you might want something like
.....2C-5 spades
.....2D-6 diamonds
.....2S-6 clubs
Yuck. What are their follow ups? What do they use 1C-2M for?
Posted 2018-August-18, 15:39
straube, on 2018-August-18, 10:11, said:
I don't know it by heart, but my guess is that its pretty natural over the transfer responses. Over 1C-1H I think that opener bids 1S with any five card major, and also with 4441 pattern (but I might be wrong). 1NT is semi-natural, 2m too, and perhaps 2M shows a 6+ one-suiter?
I believe this structure is from the Carrot Club system by Tjolpe Flodqvist and Anders Morath. I think there's English write-ups available online. There's several versions of Carrot Club though, and only the early ones used a strong club (later they played Swedish Club instead).
Couldn't find the English write-up, but here's some details from a book I have.
1D = Weak.
1H = No 5M, no 6m, not 5-5 minors.
1S = 5+H. Natural continuation (2C could be 4441 with short major). Seems like they only raise directly with 4-card support.
1NT = 5+S. Like 1S.
2m = 6+m or 5-5 minors
2M = Weak, 0-4 hcp.
2NT = Solid 6+ suit.
3X = 6-7 hcp, KQJxxxx. NF.
4m = South-African Transfer to a major with KQJxxxx and 6-7 hcp.
1S = a) Precisely 5M. b) Any 4441. c) 23-24 NT (they opened 21-22 NT with a multi).
...1NT = Natural.
......2C = Any 4441, minimum. Relay asks short suit.
......2D = Any 4441, 20+. Relay asks short suit.
......2M = 5M. Responder only raises with 4 card support, otherwise bids something else (natural) first (3m shows extra strength). Jumping to 3NT shows 11-14 with 4 card support, while 3M is weaker (8-11) or stronger (14+).
......2NT = 23-24.
...2m = Natural, five card suit (seems like they could choose between 1NT and 2m with 5m332). Opener's 2M is natural, with continuations like above (but Qxx is enough to support).
...2M = Short suit, 4441 or 5m440.
...2NT = Exactly 4-4-0-5.
...3m = Short suit, 4441.
...3H = Exactly 4-4-5-0.
1NT = 18-20 (probably 17-19 in more modern Precision).
...2C = Some kind of Puppet Stayman.
...2D = Stayman.
...Higher = Three-suited.
2m = Natural, 5+ suit.
2M = Natural, 6+ suit.
2NT = 25+ NT.
3X = Natural suit with at most one loser. Sets suit and asks for cue-bidding.
Now I don't think all who play the response structure (or modified variants of it) play like this; I only translated from the (old) book I have. Morotsklövern (1978) by Sven-Olov "Tjolpe" Flodqvist.
Posted 2018-August-18, 20:19
In two other partnerships I changed that design to:
I have been playing 1♣ - 1NT as majors, 5-4 or better for several years.
Finally, 1♣ - 2♣ as one or both minors.

C3: Copious Canape Club is still my favorite system. (Ultra upgraded, PM for notes)
Santa Fe Precision ♣ published 8/19. TOP3 published 11/20. Magic experiment (Science Modernized) with Lenzo. 2020: Jan Eric Larsson's Cottontail ♣. 2020. BFUN (Bridge For the UNbalanced) 2021: Weiss Simplified ♣ (Canape & Relay). 2022: Canary ♣ Modernized, 2023-4: KOK Canape.
Posted 2018-August-19, 06:10
2NT asks for 4-card suits. Responder bids 1-under their lowest 4-card suit, 3NT = both minors.
Posted 2018-August-19, 07:01
Trick13, on 2018-August-19, 06:10, said:
Why wouldn't opener ask with 1♣-1♠;1NT?
When 1♠ shows clubs or balanced, why not the minimum balanced range (up to whatever the follow-up structure can reasonably handle)?
Posted 2018-August-24, 10:59
I'm considering playing the 2D as 8-11 and keeping my 1c-2NT as 12-14. Then I'll insert the 15+ into the 1c-1H spades or 15+ response.
Alternatively, I could keep 2D as 8-10 and make 1c-2nt 11-13 with 1H as spades or 14+.
Thoughts? Concerned how much changing the range for 2NT will affect my slam auctions. The 2NT over 1c sometimes feels like a slam killer.
Posted 2018-August-24, 12:35
1H-spades or 11-13 bal
2D-8-10 bal
2H-14+ bal
Posted 2018-August-24, 20:37
jmc, on 2018-August-24, 19:24, said:
I don't know.
Funny but I know that 1C-3H is/was 4-4-0-5 and 8+ hcps.
My guess is that most of the 2S and higher bids are devoted to the 3-suited hands...so you could design your own relays for those. Like you could reverse engineer....perhaps 1C-3D showed 4-4-1-4 and then 1C-3S is 4-5-0-4 and 1C-3N is 5-4-0-4.
So perhaps
1C-2S is short spades and then...
and 1C-2N is short hearts and etc
and 1C-3C is short clubs and etc
Posted 2018-August-24, 23:41
straube, on 2018-August-24, 20:37, said:
Funny but I know that 1C-3H is/was 4-4-0-5 and 8+ hcps.
My guess is that most of the 2S and higher bids are devoted to the 3-suited hands...so you could design your own relays for those. Like you could reverse engineer....perhaps 1C-3D showed 4-4-1-4 and then 1C-3S is 4-5-0-4 and 1C-3N is 5-4-0-4.
So perhaps
1C-2S is short spades and then...
and 1C-2N is short hearts and etc
and 1C-3C is short clubs and etc
Posted 2018-September-09, 21:38
Assume all 4333, 4432, 5m332 bid 2D if 8-11.
Based on symmetric, showing suits & shortages top down.
1C : 2D (8-11 balanced, no 5cM)
2H = GFR
2S = no major
2N = S + m
3C = H + m
3D = 4-4-2-3
3H = 4-4-3-2
3S = 4-3-3-3
3N = 3-4-3-3
2D : 2H ?
2N : 3C ?
3D = S + D (4-2-4-3 / 4-3-4-2)
3H = 4-2-3-4
3S = 4-3-2-4
2D : 2H ?
3C : 3D ?
3H = H + D (2-4-4-3 / 3-4-4-2 over the top but ok)
3S = 2-4-3-4
3N = 3-4-2-4
2D : 2H ?
2S : 2N ?
3C = 5 Ds
3D = 5 Cs
3H = 2-3-4-4
3S = 3-2-4-4
3N = 3-3-4-3 or 3-3-3-4 (don't split)
2D : 2H ?
2S : 2N ?
3C : 3D ?
3H = 2-3-5-3
3S = 3-2-5-3
3N = 3-3-5-2
2D : 2H ?
2S : 2N ?
3D : 3H ?
3S = 2-3-3-5
3N = 3-2-3-5
4C = 3-3-2-5 (ok with 3-3 majors)
We would play
1C : 2D
2S = natural
2N = non forcing !
3x = shortage