I am sitting south and partner opens 1s showing 11-15 and 5+S
I respond 1nt which is forcing for one round in our system.
It can be bid on hands that:
a) are weak and intend to bid 2s on the next round
b) invitational with s support and no shortage
c) invitational with 3 card s support and an outside singleton/void
d) weak with a 6+ card suit outside spades. Will bid this suit on round 2 (or pass 2c)
west now intervenes with 2c and north bids 2d
in an uncontested auction north's 2d would show 4d, 2h would show 4h, 2s would show a sixth s, and 2c would be bid on all other hands.
Opener can jump if he has a good maximum.
So the question is, is a free bid of 2d here showing a 4 or 5 card suit.
Another question which people may find a bit silly (and I do to but my partner wont listen) is what should opener bid with 7 spades and 4 diamonds.