I'd love feedback on this idea (pros-cons etc etc).
In Fantoni-Nunes scheme, all balanced hands 15+ go via 1C.
The 1D opener is always 5+D (occasionaly 4-4-4-1 with C singleton), 1R forcing.
What I do not like of their 1C opener is the contiguous range of balanced hands.
1C, if bal, can be 15-17, 18-20 or 23+ (21-22 opens 2NT right away).
In my opinion, this creates 2 problems:
1) opener, over a negative response (0+), in absence of fit with responder's suit, has to jump to 2NT to show the 18-20 bal. It is not pleasant to play 2NT 18-20 opposite a yarborough;
2) if there is competition by opps, it does not seems straightforward to discriminate between the 15-17 and the 18-20 hand.
On the other hand, the NIGHTMARE system by Buratti Lanzarotti has some similarities (and some differences).
1) they do include 18-20 hands into 1D pener, which becomes either natural or 18-20 bal;
However, the 1D opener is limited to about 20 hcp in Nightmare, since ALL the GF hands open 1C, which is different from the Fantunes system.
As a consequence, in Nightmare, responder can pass with a yarborough over 1D; this does not apply in F-N system (1D is 1R forcing).
In Nightmare, over 1D, responder bids
1M = natural 0+
2C = GF
2D and higher = various single-suiter/2-suiter bids
NEGATIVE responder without major can simply pass
In Fantunes, the negative response is 2D (since 1D does not include 18-20 bal, and 99% has 5 diamonds):
1M = 8-9 hcp, natural
1NT = 10+ bal GF
2X = natural GF, except 2D = signoff without majors

Now, I would love to be able to keep the Fantunes style (GF hands open their own suit rather than 1C as in Nightmare) , but moving the 18-20 into 1D, while still having a negative bid that cannot be 2D (because we do not know yet whether opener has 18-20 bal).
This implies changing the response structure, though.
What do you think of "Paradox responses" at the 1-level ?
....1H = 0+ hand, MIGHT have spades.
........1S = 14-17 range, usually 4 spades (may be 3 in 5431 with minors)
........1NT = 18-20 bal
........2m= natural, 14-17 nonforcing
........2H= reverse, 18+
........2S=4+ spades, reverse, 18+
....1S = 0+ hand, guarantees hearts.
........1NT = 18-20 bal
........2m= natural, 14-17, nonforcing
........2H= good support, 14-17, nonforcing
........2S=reverse, 18+
........2NT= good heart support, 18+
....1NT = GF balanced
....2m= GF with the minor bid
....2M= to be defined (majors 2-suiters, flannery/rev flannery?)
With such a scheme, responder has always a negative available at the 1-level, to allow opener to show the 18-20 bal hand.