FelicityR, on 2018-May-26, 18:27, said:
Thank you for all your replies. Looks like I owe my husband an apology. We arrived in a 4♠ contract on a 5-3 fit going down one, when the same nine tricks are available in no-trumps. I am perhaps 'resulting' on this one hand but I have learnt a valuable lesson here.
If you are going to open then it has to be spades. In mp, one should always open. I am not so sure in imps in first or second seat. It is a bad 12 point hand for a 4 spade contract. If my KQ was in the same suit, I would open. If I was down late in a match, I might pass if I believe opp would open and hope contract goes down in 4 spades while I make 3.
I would never open 1D.