wbartley, on 2018-May-14, 09:59, said:
Just play bridge robots. Human South.
I think I've asked this before. Maybe my question was assumed to be rhetorical but I'm really serious. Does basic GIB just choose random cards from its hand when defending?
The diamond shift is both hilarious and inexplicable. The lead of the queen of clubs is also utterly insane. Why on earth would you choose what is almost certainly declarer's best suit when making a short suit lead?
Hmmm... seems like
1. since 3NT GIBBO has concluded contract is making
2. since 3 NT assumes you have stiff DK else would have bid 3S; and will be forced to discard when running d from dummy
The other question is why 3NT. void in D, 3D is invitational and South has void and 14 HCP.
Almost bet GIBBO bids 5D over 3S. Perhaps Stephens and dudes and merrimen can shed some light on the future after 3S.