The partnership does not play 2/1.SAYC System.Responders 2C bid does not deny 4 carder spade suit and promises 11 plus HCP.I normally play Precision and hence am curious.What are the exact requirements for these two sequences ?
1H-2C-2H-2S-2NT-3H and 1H-2C-2H-2S-2NT-4H.
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Whats the minutest difference or differences Twi bibbing sequences
Posted 2018-May-11, 07:37
msjennifer, on 2018-May-10, 23:52, said:
The partnership does not play 2/1.SAYC System.Responders 2C bid does not deny 4 carder spade suit and promises 11 plus HCP.I normally play Precision and hence am curious.What are the exact requirements for these two sequences ?
1H-2C-2H-2S-2NT-3H and 1H-2C-2H-2S-2NT-4H.
1H-2C-2H-2S-2NT-3H and 1H-2C-2H-2S-2NT-4H.
It's difficult to give a sensible answer, as it is not my system - nor yours it seems!
Has a game-forcing auction been established? Is the 2♠ bid natural? And is it forcing / forcing to game / non-forcing? What about the 2NT bid? Is it natural? forcing / non-forcing?
For me (Acol), 2♠ is natural and forcing for one round (traditionally it used to be non-forcing, but that is falling out of favour). 2NT is then natural and non-forcing (likely to be mis-fitting). Having got this far we are now in undiscussed territory and have to apply bridge logic. Partner has the option to pass 2♥ or raise 2♥ With a poor or misfitting hand, so why go through this third-suit-forcing sequence and then support hearts? It must be to set a forcing sequence. So I guess that both of your sequences are happy to play in 4♥ and the difference between the two will depend upon your other partnership understandings. I can think of two obvious possibilities:
- If you tend to use the Principal of Fast Arrival then you might conclude that 3♥ stronger.
- Or it might be that 4♥ in the second sequence is positive heart support and too strong to jump to 4♥ over the 2♥ rebid. The 3♥ bid in the first sequence would show heart tolerance (a small doubleton or singleton honour perhaps?) in a strong hand with some doubt about strain.
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