This didn't end well, any thoughts and what I should have done?
Posted 2018-March-27, 02:53
Me ♠3 ♥AKJ94 ♦KQ6 ♣AQ98
Partner ♠JT98 ♥QT7 ♦T42 ♣JT7
[2S*] X [P] [2NT]
[P] 3NT [X] All pass
*Described as could be very weak and 5 cards (looking at the traveller I suspect nobody else bid it)
My original thoughts we X and then 3H but partner's 2NT was unexpected and as it was MP maybe 3NT would be a good result. I did wonder about 4H after the their double but then we could be getting out of control and make a bad situation worse. As RHO said at the end of the bidding, it was going to be a top for one of us. In the end -2 for a bottom. Most tables played in 1H with one table making 4H and another 3H. Double dummy has us as 3H max.
So, any thoughts? Given the strength of my Hearts would 3H have been a better start? Should I have stuck to my original plan and bid 3H over partners 2NT?
Or should I just shrug and accept sometime preempts work as partner would not have bid over 1H from me?
Posted 2018-March-27, 02:59
X is fine to start, you bid 3♥ over 2N to show a big hand with a heart suit and partner either raises or doesn't.
Posted 2018-March-27, 03:19
Your plan should be to bid three hearts over most of partner's bids. Although many will think that this implies six, the general expert method is that this is a 'strong and flexible' bid - implying a hand too strong to overcall, perhaps still interested in partner's suit (when he has bid one), showing 5+ hearts. The corollary from playing 'strong and flexible' is that single-suited hands try to find an overcall at an appropriate level rather than double, or make it very clear what they have after the double.
For three no trump to be right, partner probably needs a double spade stop or nine running tricks. With finesses likely to fail, and limited points opposite meaning nine running tricks are highly unlikely, it is worth investigating other contracts.
Cyberyeti said the same in shorthand

Posted 2018-March-27, 03:32
Posted 2018-March-27, 04:00
SimonFa, on 2018-March-27, 03:32, said:
In that case 2N is a bad bid, it shows more than this, you would be bidding 3N on a 16-17 count and dialling a number.
Posted 2018-March-27, 07:37
With your shape and quality spot cards, if 3nt makes 9 tricks, 4♥ could easily make 10 or more. Being passed out in 3♥ would be a lucky surprise as I expect partner to choose the best game.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2018-March-27, 11:21
SimonFa, on 2018-March-27, 10:30, said:
3♣, holding my nose. In competitive auctions like this I think it's common that notrump bids (even 1nt) are constructive in the 8ish range, not this dreck.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2018-March-27, 11:23
SimonFa, on 2018-March-27, 03:32, said:
Suggestion, and I'm not kidding: 2NT is never, ever natural. If you want to show a simple invite over 1N go through Stayman.
Posted 2018-March-27, 11:55
SimonFa, on 2018-March-27, 03:32, said:
If 2 NT is not leben then you have even more reasons to bid 3♥ instead of 3 NT imo.
"It's only when a mosquito lands on your testicles that you realize there is always a way to solve problems without using violence!"
"Well to be perfectly honest, in my humble opinion, of course without offending anyone who thinks differently from my point of view, but also by looking into this matter in a different perspective and without being condemning of one's view's and by trying to make it objectified, and by considering each and every one's valid opinion, I honestly believe that I completely forgot what I was going to say."
Posted 2018-March-27, 14:19
It would probably be good to discuss with partner what a "natural" 2 NT call should be over a weak 2 bid. Since NT contracts depend more on total high card strength, bidding 2 NT on 4 HCP even with all the 10s just can't be right, especially so when Red. Your hand could be a lot less, maybe like ♠ x ♥ A732 ♦ KQ63 ♣ A642 and 2 NT is a horrendous contract.
I'm with ggwhiz on this one and bidding 3 ♣ with partner's hand and your agreements.
Posted 2018-March-27, 15:00
Posted 2018-March-28, 01:49
SimonFa, on 2018-March-27, 03:32, said:
It is indeed unfortunate that you did not play lebensohl.You had to double and then face the fifficult decision of rebid..Under these circumstances you had to bid 3H to show a 5plus good suit and reluctance to play in NT contract.3NT is ,in my personal opinion,not the right bid on your part.
Posted 2018-March-28, 03:36
Posted 2018-March-28, 10:07
0deary, on 2018-March-28, 03:36, said:
You will probably defend 2SX more often if you play take-out doubles than if you play penalty doubles (because a hand with values but without spades can double, and partner with spades but not enough values to make a penalty double on his own can leave it in).
- North's double seems reasonable. 3♥ might end the auction, when game is on.
- South's 2N response deserves sympathy, although Pass or 3♣ might be better.
- Playing transfers, 3♦ by North would be good. A natural 3♥ is probably better than 3N. But 3N is reasonable.
- SimonFA was unlucky that defenders' ♠s wreck dummy.