Options? Choose One
Posted 2018-February-27, 08:22
Posted 2018-February-27, 09:29
Tramticket, on 2018-February-27, 04:12, said:
(1) The double is not for penalty. How can you have a hand that was not worth a 2♥ bid on the last round and is now worth a penalty double of the opponents' hearts?
(2) Even if, in some strange world, you played the double as penalty the implication that you are calling partner a liar if you pull their penalty double is ridiculous. You said something similar here and I let it pass. Doubling for penalties should be based on cooperation, not a one-sided decision by one partner. If you never allow your partner to pull a penalty double (and use terms like "liar" and "reading the riot act" in the process), your double will need to be rock solid and you will never make enough penalty doubles.
Many moons ago as a novice I took lessons from a very famous bridge player and author Hugh Kelsey He was asked how can you tell when a double
is for take out and when for penalties? I will never forget his reply "You can never muddle the two doubles. A double is always for takeout
when partner has not previously bid However if partner HAS already bid then any subsequent double is for penalties" In the OP West has opened the
bidding and,since East has responded,West's double of 2♥ MUST be for business. It is so, it cannot be otherwise
- Dr Tarrasch(1862-1934)German Chess Grandmaster
Bridge is a game where you have two opponents...and often three(!)
"Any palooka can take tricks with Aces and Kings; the true expert shows his prowess
by how he handles the two's and three's" - Mollo's Hideous Hog
Posted 2018-February-27, 10:13
PhilG007, on 2018-February-27, 09:29, said:
is for take out and when for penalties? I will never forget his reply "You can never muddle the two doubles. A double is always for takeout
when partner has not previously bid However if partner HAS already bid then any subsequent double is for penalties" In the OP West has opened the
bidding and,since East has responded,West's double of 2♥ MUST be for business. It is so, it cannot be otherwise
Maybe that was true 50 years ago, but I doubt it. It certainly wasn't true in the U.S. I'm also willing to say that your comment isn't true anywhere at this time.
Kelsey is a bridge God. Sadly, man is fallible, and oft times misinterprets God's word.
True, there once was a time, in the Dark Ages before negative doubles, when essentially all doubles were for penalties. Now, I can think of only two situations where low level doubles are for business. This isn't one of them.
Hint: if everyone else, including some excellent players, are treating this double as takeout, it's probably you who is in a "muddle".
Posted 2018-February-27, 10:14
Whatever the result, I’ll ask partner not to put me under pressure like this again.
Posted 2018-February-27, 10:35
Posted 2018-February-27, 14:28
Remember this is supposed to be the expert class bridge. It's fine if non-experts post with a disclaimer that they're not experts, but trollish hijacking like what you've been posting here is too much.
Posted 2018-February-27, 14:49
Posted 2018-February-27, 14:51
diana_eva, on 2018-February-27, 08:22, said:
Could you please spoil a bit more by giving opener’s hand? As I (obviously) don’t know how to look’for the records of that match! Thx😃
Posted 2018-February-27, 15:09
apollo1201, on 2018-February-27, 14:51, said:
Here it is. Sorry OP, I didn't mean to step over your thread, but everyone tended to assume EW knew what they were doing because of the stated conditions (genuine expert level game) when in reality they had a pretty hard time to figure out each other's style during the match:
Posted 2018-February-27, 15:54
diana_eva, on 2018-February-27, 15:09, said:
Exactly as the hand should have been. 14 HCP 5233. Can't have had much of anything else, really. Maybe a great 13 or a bad 15 with the same shape.
Opener can't have 6 spades, 4 hearts, 4 diamonds, or 4 clubs, or he wouldn't have passed 1NT. So he is almost certainly 5332. And the doubleton pretty much has to be in hearts; otherwise, how can he make the reopening X? So opener should be 5233.
As for strength, opener is pretty much marked with 14 or thereabouts. With a good 15, if he chose to open 1S rather than 1NT (I would open 1NT, but not everyone would), he probably wouldn't pass at IMPs; responder could have 10 (and even if he has a great 8 or a 9 count, I've made a few games on 23-24 before, haven't you?). And if opener had a mediocre 13 or fewer, he probably would just go quietly and pass, since it's not at all certain that his side has the majority of the high cards.
But with 14 (maybe a great 13 or a bad 15) and 5233, it's probably worth it to risk a X. Maybe partner has a long minor. Maybe partner has a heart suit and can pass. Maybe partner has 9-10 HCP with heart stops and can bid 2NT. Who knows, but defending 2H is probably not the best spot.
Posted 2018-February-27, 17:17
You don't have enough length and strength in hearts (or values generally) to convert the double for penalties, so you need to look for an alternative. Fortunately you have a 5 card suit in one of the unbid suits.
The best bid 3D and this is absolutely unequivocally the highest percentage bid.
Bidding 2S is the only other sane bid, but it is far inferior. Returning to 2S on doubleton support is possible on this auction - and it can be attractive when holding Hx and no suit longer than 4 cards or a weak 5 card suit - but bidding 2S is inadvisable on a small doubleton in support when holding a decent quality 5+ card suit in one of the two unbid suits for which partner's double has promised support.
3D = 100 points
2S = 10 points
Anything else = 0 points
Posted 2018-February-27, 23:11

Posted 2018-February-28, 00:30
diana_eva, on 2018-February-27, 15:09, said:
I'm glad you've posted the whole hand. I was going to post West's hand today anyway. Am I right in saying that the final contract of 2♥X - East passed the double - does go down on a trump lead? The adage of leading your partner's suit didn't apply here.
Posted 2018-February-28, 01:48
Lovely hand- thank you!
Posted 2018-February-28, 05:18
Also a good example how your suits do not split as good as could have...
Posted 2018-February-28, 06:11
The auction in the question would be an exception as clearly the doubler cannot have a penalty double, especially as he sits under, not over, the bidder.
Posted 2018-February-28, 08:26
GrahamJson, on 2018-February-28, 06:11, said:
The auction in the question would be an exception as clearly the doubler cannot have a penalty double, especially as he sits under, not over, the bidder.
Quite right, although I have seen pairs play that 1m - X - 1M - X is still responsive. Not a common treatment.
The only other example that comes to mind of a low level X being unambiguously penalty is 1NT - X (Capp, natural, etc), although a very weak advancer has license to run.
Posted 2018-February-28, 09:41
diana_eva, on 2018-February-27, 14:28, said:
Filtered on such criteria, the expert forum would be sparse

Posted 2018-February-28, 10:50

Your question also raised an interesting issue on penalty doubles: some use very direct assessment- how many defensive tricks (like mum taught) and others seem to use variety of proxy methods: how many cards in their (inferred) suit bid and an old one from Silver Bull with different but apparently equally robust proxy ideas....so I’ll do some more BBO research and then look out for a useful hand: I’m use to the room here so it would be my first posting there! Meanwhile thank you again for such a stimulating question