Posted 2018-January-15, 16:50
In any form of the game, I think a NT bid is best. Whether that bid is 3 NT or 6 NT is up to you.
If partner holds all the honor cards possible in the minors ♦ AQJ ♣ K it only comes to 10 HCP. Sure, the opener could be a rule of 20 hand like ♠ - ♥ xxx ♦ AQJxx ♣ Kxxxx, but how often will that exact hand come up. If partner is missing one of the minor honors or has a flatter opener, then surely partner has to have a ♥ honor of some sort.
With 17 HCP vulnerable, passing isn't as likely to gain as much as bidding on.
Myself, I'll simply stay "fixed" and bid 3 NT.
solitaire (robot) dbl is negative (4+♥)
your bid?