I realise that a) language b) time c) typing skills d) inexperience e) disinterest f) apathy could be some of the factors, but especially on the time aspect many players make time to play bridge, so giving even just 15, even 5 minutes a week to comment on bridge, to actually give something back to BBO for providing the best bridge site in the world, where you can watch world championship and experienced international players, with expert commentary for free, is not asking a lot.
To give you an idea, I took a snapshot of Star Players about half-an-hour ago (5.30 pm British time) on BBO and there were just over 100. Obviously many more will be on when the evening arrives in the USA. Add to this the 250 plus who are on the BBO and ABCL Leaderboards, and here we have over 350 genuine expert players. But there are only a few names I recognised that post/comment on BBO Forums. I realise that some may post under a different name, and that language will be a barrier to some, but the expertise and potential that would enhance BBO Forums never sees the light of day. But that is just the tip of the iceberg, as there are plenty of other expert/advanced players on BBO, and not forgetting the players of intermediates/beginner/novice level who are equally welcome to post/comment too.
At this moment BBO has over 11,000 players using it - I've actually see over 100,000 when the Bermuda Bowl world championship is on - so even if just 0.1% were part of the Forums, not just viewing it but posting and commenting then that's 10+ more. I recognise that is a very simplistic statistical analysis of what and what is not happening, but I am sure the BBO Forum readers/posters/commentators would like to see not-the-same-old posters and commentators but some new blood, some new names, some different ideas and perspectives. I am actually getting bored seeing my own BBO Forum name on here
A thought occurred to me that BBO needed to offer something, say BBO dollars, to get players to post and comment - not that I'm personally interested in BBO dollars myself - but I'm sure there are players who would be, but whether this would work in practice is anyone's guess? In my view it would be awkward to manage, but there must be some incentive to try to get more people involved here.
I'll be interested to hear others' views on this. Are BBO Forums ok as they are, or do you think that the more people involved the better it will be? Over to you. Yes you! Please post a comment, even if you've never done previously. It's a start.