Mobile app 5.0 feedback thread
Posted 2017-November-25, 21:40

Posted 2017-November-26, 14:39
fred, on 2017-November-08, 08:55, said:
1) Tap History at the bottom. The History area now includes history of deals played at your table.
2) Tap the box where the score is displayed. A scoreboard will appear without you having to go to a new screen. From there you can tap boards in the list and you will get another popup that will allow you to review the board you clicked.
Once you get the hang of it, I am confident you will find the new version to be significantly better than the old version in this regard (among many others).
About lack of landscape: the one and only reason we made this decision was because we were under time pressure to do a complete rewrite of the software (because the technology we had been using for old versions had become obsolete). We needed to make a couple of compromises in the interest of speed. Landscape was one of those compromises.
That was a difficult decision to make, but despite the reaction from people I still think this was the right decision. Sorry if you disagree and sorry for the inconvenience.
Given the reaction, I am guessing that implementing landscape mode will be a fairly high priority for us moving forward (though certainly not as high as bug fixes which is where I expect we will spend most of our energy during the next couple of weeks). That being had, I am not currently in a position to make any promises let alone guess at a time frame.
Fred Gitelman
Bridge Base Inc.
You guys have done a great job. Thank you for everything that you do for the betterment of bridge. Yes, landscape would be a good feature, particularly since that is how most iPod stands are designed, but I agree that the new version is a solid upgrade.
Posted 2017-November-26, 16:24
When I chose "log off" in the menu, I get a prompt to confirm. That's fine.
When I just exit by using the "back" button (lower right corner, outside the app window) it exits without a prompt. I have the impression that (at least sometimes) it's a crash rather than an exit since sometimes it's not possible to restart BBO immediately (I will get an entirely cream-coloured window instead of the usual BBO login screen) and I have to force-quit it before I can start it again.
Posted 2017-November-27, 15:36
Posted 2017-November-28, 07:12
Two minor issues are bugging me:
1. When I tap a card to play it, the app is too sensitive to dragging. If my finger moves by a pixel or two while tapping, then the card isn't played.
2. In the history screen, when I'm playing through the history of the hand, I can't go fast - each card is played slowly, one at a time. If I've turned off animation for cards in the settings, it would be nice if that eliminated this delay too.
Posted 2017-November-28, 11:49
MatCauthon, on 2017-November-28, 07:12, said:
In Account->Settings->History enable "Advance trick by trick"
Posted 2017-November-29, 05:25
barmar, on 2017-November-28, 11:49, said:
I do have it set to advance trick by trick, but it animates the cards pretty slowly when displaying the trick. If I have General -> Animation turned off, it would be nice if it turned off this animation too.
Posted 2017-November-30, 05:34
MatCauthon, on 2017-November-29, 05:25, said:
It does. There's a fraction of a second delay between each card, but no animation moving the cards from the hands into the playing area.
Posted 2017-December-05, 11:54
Posted 2017-December-05, 18:35