So a friend of mine is looking for a better solution for 1D-1H, 1S where 1D is limited to 15 and can be a weak NT (possibly two diamonds) but otherwise I think promises at least four diamonds (4135 would open 2C I think).
His first thought was to play...
2D-to play
.....2D-4252 or 4153, not accepting
.....2H-3 hearts, not accepting
.....2S-42(43), not accepting
but he wondered if a traditional XYZ might be better. In addition he has 5S/6D hands that have to be put somewhere.
So I was thinking XYZ probably...but I proposed the following...
2D-artificial GF
2C-weak 4H/5+D or some GI
.....2D-2 or 3 hearts
..........pass or make invitation
.....2H-0-1 heart, minimum
..........pass or correct
.....2S-5S/6D, minimum
.....3C-5S/6D, non-minimum
.....3D-0-1 heart, non-minimum
so I'm trying to allow for responder to play a 6-1 heart fit (and avoid a 5-1 heart fit) when GI at the cost of getting to the 3-level sometimes. I think he would usually have a 9-cd (at least) diamond fit there if I understand his opening right.
Any other suggestions?
Btw he's looking for a well-written strong club 4-cd major system if anyone has notes they can share or point me to.
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