Rebid opposite a passing partner
Posted 2017-September-09, 20:33
1♠ (2♥) Pass (Pass)
2♠ ...
What is the minimum requirement for 2♠ here?
What is the strongest hand you would bid 2♠ on?
What is the minimum or a jump to 3♠?
Are there similar hands that would double first and then rebid spades?
I believe that the USA currently hold only the World Championship For People Who Still Bid Like Your Auntie Gladys - dburn
dunno how to play 4 card majors - JLOGIC
True but I know Standard American and what better reason could I have for playing Precision? - Hideous Hog
Bidding is an estimation of probabilities SJ Simon
Posted 2017-September-09, 20:41
Any hand with 0-2 spades potentially would be a candidate as the best hands partner can have will have hearts. Doubling caters to this.
The range of strength to double and bid will depend on many variables.
Posted 2017-September-09, 21:27
Cascade, on 2017-September-09, 20:33, said:
1♠ (2♥) Pass (Pass)
2♠ ...
What is the minimum requirement for 2♠ here?
What is the strongest hand you would bid 2♠ on?
What is the minimum or a jump to 3♠?
Are there similar hands that would double first and then rebid spades?
It depends on partnership agreement. In many partnerships, opener must call again if short in the overcall-suit.
If responder passed with values, then those values are likely to be the overcall-suit.
Hence, opener should re-open with a double, if possible, rather than bid a suit.
Responder should allow for the possibility of off-shape doubles e.g.
♠ A x x x x x ♥ x ♦ A K x x ♣ x x
Sometimes, however, opener will have little defence or shortage in an unbid suit.
A void in opponent's suit also reduces defensive suitability.
In Cascade's auction, declarer might rebid 2♠ with as little as
♠ K Q J x x x ♥- ♦ x x ♣ Q J x x x
Opener might rebid 2♠ with a stronger hand e.g.
♠ A K Q J x x ♥ x ♦ Q J ♣ x x x x
For a 3♠ rebid, opener needs a good suit e.g.
♠ A Q J x x x x ♥ x ♦ K Q ♣ x x x
But players' judgements vary and different partnerships will have different agreements for all these calls.
Posted 2017-September-09, 22:59
It's sometimes assumed that partner has passed as he's holding the opponent's suit when in reality he's just got a poor hand. A 2♥ overcaller on this auction could have 15+, especially vulnerable, preferring an overcall to double and bidding his suit, or being totally barraged out of the auction by a pre-emptive raise of 3♠ from opener's partner.
Nige1 makes some good points, as always, but as he says this scenario, especially this ♠s vs. ♥s auction where there's less space to operate, is for partnership agreement.
Posted 2017-September-10, 16:51
nige1, on 2017-September-09, 21:27, said:
If responder passed with values, then those values are likely to be the overcall-suit.
Hence, opener should re-open with a double, if possible, rather than bid a suit.
Responder should allow for the possibility of off-shape doubles e.g.
♠ A x x x x x ♥ x ♦ A K x x ♣ x x
Sometimes, however, opener will have little defence or shortage in an unbid suit.
A void in opponent's suit also reduces defensive suitability.
In Cascade's auction, declarer might rebid 2♠ with as little as
♠ K Q J x x x ♥- ♦ x x ♣ Q J x x x
Opener might rebid 2♠ with a stronger hand e.g.
♠ A K Q J x x ♥ x ♦ Q J ♣ x x x x
For a 3♠ rebid, opener needs a good suit e.g.
♠ A Q J x x x x ♥ x ♦ K Q ♣ x x x
But players' judgements vary and different partnerships will have different agreements for all these calls.
Are these the strongest hands for 2♠?
What do you do with 16-18 points?
The 3♠ example that you gave seems to need a lot for game opposite a passing partner who could be weak.
I would bid 3♠ on a hand that just needs a trick or two and a perhaps a bit of luck to make game. The six loser hand you show seems quite weak since I think you will probably induce 3NT when partner has moderate values and a heart stopper with no spade fit.
Your strong hand with ♦ QJ only does not seem that strong. I would comfortably bid only 2♠ with ♦KQ or ♦Ax and even a little more.
I believe that the USA currently hold only the World Championship For People Who Still Bid Like Your Auntie Gladys - dburn
dunno how to play 4 card majors - JLOGIC
True but I know Standard American and what better reason could I have for playing Precision? - Hideous Hog
Bidding is an estimation of probabilities SJ Simon
Posted 2017-September-11, 05:10
2 spades could be a bad 17 hand at most
3 spades should be rare, a really high ODR hand.
Posted 2017-September-11, 23:03
Fluffy, on 2017-September-11, 05:10, said:
2 spades could be a bad 17 hand at most
3 spades should be rare, a really high ODR hand.
Definitely with a singleton not in hearts you would bid. However I think there are problems with hands that do not have a singleton not in hearts. The frequent problem is when partner pulls a double to 3m and now you do not know whether to rebid your spades. Compare
1♠ 2♥ Pass Pass
Dbl Pass 3♣ Pass
1♠ 2♥ Pass Pass
2♠ Pass 3♣ Pass
On the second auction you are much happier passing. The more often we double maybe the more often we will extract a penalty but also the more often we will be guessing a round later.
I believe that the USA currently hold only the World Championship For People Who Still Bid Like Your Auntie Gladys - dburn
dunno how to play 4 card majors - JLOGIC
True but I know Standard American and what better reason could I have for playing Precision? - Hideous Hog
Bidding is an estimation of probabilities SJ Simon
Posted 2017-September-12, 09:38
Posted 2017-September-13, 09:14
As to top end, I would imagine playing strength more than anything else would determine the separation between 2 and 3. I would think a hand that reopens with 3S should have close to 9 tricks in hand - maybe a solid 8 or 8 1/2 trick hand. 3-card support, an odd king or even queen, and a ruffing value could be enough for to consider a raise to game by the passed hand.
Posted 2017-September-13, 10:59
Cascade, on 2017-September-10, 16:51, said:
What do you do with 16-18 points?
The 3♠ example that you gave seems to need a lot for game opposite a passing partner who could be weak.
I would bid 3♠ on a hand that just needs a trick or two and a perhaps a bit of luck to make game. The six loser hand you show seems quite weak since I think you will probably induce 3NT when partner has moderate values and a heart stopper with no spade fit.
Your strong hand with ♦ QJ only does not seem that strong. I would comfortably bid only 2♠ with ♦KQ or ♦Ax and even a little more.
You and Fluffy have persuaded me that my 4th example hand falls far short of a 3♠ rebid.