smerriman, on 2017-August-27, 22:10, said:
Ignore the normal 'idiotic' GIB plays, like ducking the first club.
Fastforward to trick 11.
GIB holds AQJ as its last three cards in a no trump contract. I play the K, and GIB ducks.
GIB is broken. If BBO don't have the resources to fix GIB, please please please open it up to more people.
Sad times

Though I personally don't agree with your sentiment
If BBO don't have the resources to fix GIB, please please please open it up to more people.
If a restaurant had a poor hygiene rating would you encourage people to go there?
Whilst GIB should be allowed occasional errors, when they are fundamental errors like the two shown (and why should we
Ignore the normal 'idiotic' GIB plays, like ducking the first club?) then I totally agree with your opinion
GIB is broken.