You can't argue with success!
Soooo, did 2/1 paired with Precision (Depending on Vul.) Work in an equally complementary manner?
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Grue and moss' "Unnatural System" Did Precision-2/1 Combination work =?
Posted 2017-August-27, 13:24
1Wishbone1, on 2017-August-27, 13:08, said:
You can't argue with success!
Soooo, did 2/1 paired with Precision (Depending on Vul.) Work in an equally complementary manner?
Soooo, did 2/1 paired with Precision (Depending on Vul.) Work in an equally complementary manner?
I am using a version of Precision (weak NT, 11-15) paired with a 2/1 style for the majors. Used with Bergen raises and forcing 1NT to distinguish between 3/4 card support and various pt count ranges, it seems to be pretty effective. The wide range NT is refined with Australian Stayman and Jacoby Transfer raises.
Posted 2017-August-27, 14:11
1Wishbone1, on 2017-August-27, 13:08, said:
You can't argue with success!
Soooo, did 2/1 paired with Precision (Depending on Vul.) Work in an equally complementary manner?
Soooo, did 2/1 paired with Precision (Depending on Vul.) Work in an equally complementary manner?
It isn't an unusual system, but an unusual way of playing vulnerability. As you say 'You can't argue with success!' What interests me is the thinking behind it.
Their Precision openings non-vulnerable were certainly aggressive. I remember one hand where 1♠ was opened in 1st or 2nd position with something like - the 5332 distribution is correct - ♠8xxxx ♥Ax ♦Qxx ♣Axx. And even given that it is advertised as a point range of 10-15, I believe many players would downgrade a balanced hand with a such a lousy suit.
Even given their methods, I remember one long relay sequence where they missed a 6♥ slam with a 10 card fit where lesser players would automatically end up in slam, so there's still room for improvement I say tongue firmly in my cheek

Posted 2017-August-27, 14:45
The_Badger, on 2017-August-27, 14:11, said:
so there's still room for improvement I say tongue firmly in my cheek 

Yes better luck next time.
Sarcasm is a state of mind
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