Tramticket, on 2017-July-28, 04:58, said:
The exact auction will depend on you methods.
Yes, Tramticket is spot on. The exact auction will depend on
your methods. There are other bids like Minor Suit Stayman, etc. out there, too, but a popular method these days is for 3
♦ to show at least 5-5 in the minors, and be game forcing.
Yes, a slam will fail on the right lead, but there's too much that needs to go right on this hand generally for slam to be a good bet. It's usually difficult to find key honours on these types of minor suited auctions I feel.
Even though you're good distributionally, there cannot be more than 26HCPs between the two hands, so that leaves a lot of gaps for Ace/King controls to be with opponents, and you're missing four of them in the minor suits already (looking from the East seat).