Double preemptive 3
Posted 2017-July-04, 13:21
Partner (second seat) doubles openers preemptive 3, what do you expect he is holding?
Is such a double 'generally' accepted to be a penalty double or a take-out double?
Posted 2017-July-04, 14:44
Posted 2017-July-04, 15:09
Posted 2017-July-04, 18:58
Posted 2017-July-05, 03:51
smerriman, on 2017-July-04, 18:58, said:

I once opened 3H with Kxxxxx, 2H unavailable.
LHO opponent after long think and muttering doubled with AQJT9xx. I guess that is how you do a penalty double. Didn't work.
Posted 2017-July-05, 04:39
steve2005, on 2017-July-05, 03:51, said:
LHO opponent after long think and muttering doubled with AQJT9xx. I guess that is how you do a penalty double. Didn't work.
Didn't he close his hand, put them face down in front of him and write 3HX on his score card? That's the usual was of making a penalty double in this position.
Posted 2017-July-06, 01:12
Posted 2017-July-06, 08:56
msjennifer, on 2017-July-06, 01:12, said:
In the U.K. It is necessary to show a Stop card before any jump bid, requiring a pause of at least ten seconds before next hand calls. And next hand is required to at least pretend to think, although that can perhaps be waived if it is a second round jump in a non competitive auction, e.g. 1S-1NT-3NT.
Posted 2017-July-06, 09:02
fourdad, on 2017-July-06, 04:08, said:
I don't discuss it because I don't think I have to; I presume everyone plays takeout. (Admittedly, I'm guessing over 4H or 4S but it happens seldom enough that I think there are more important agreements to discuss in 30 seconds.)
But this is BBO and "without agreement" might very well be normal in those rooms.
In fact, I have played in several competitive team matches on BBO and have never once discussed that auction with a first-time partner.
Posted 2017-July-06, 09:28
The_Badger, on 2017-July-04, 15:09, said:
My view is that with that kind of hand, I would pass, and take my 50cents per trick. It is much preferred to use a double for takeout.
Posted 2017-July-06, 10:09
RD350LC, on 2017-July-06, 09:28, said:
Indeed. The point is it is either penalty or take out, the latter being the norm. It cannot be both, depending on what hand you happen to hold at the time.
Having said that I have seen many times on BBO players doubling after a long pause when they hold AKJx in trumps but doubling quickly with x and four cards in the unbidden suits.
Posted 2017-July-06, 10:40

Posted 2017-July-06, 12:15
GrahamJson, on 2017-July-05, 04:39, said:
In the "old" days, you bid a thunderous double, and then asked, "My lead?" With bidding boxes, you take all the doubles out of the box and fan them on the table.
Posted 2017-July-07, 07:43
Posted 2017-July-07, 11:50
In the past, players played a competitive or optional double over pre-empts (Take-out with something in opponent's suit).
Before that, double was usually penalty. For take-out, players used Fishbein (artificial bid of the cheapest suit), better minor, cheaper minor, or an artificial 3N.
Posted 2017-July-07, 17:42
johnu, on 2017-July-06, 12:15, said:
A partner many years ago had the subconscious habit of saying "Huh? Double." when the opponents were in real trouble. To his credit, he was embarrassed when someone pointed out what he was doing.