barmar, on 2017-July-06, 09:35, said:
One big section for everyone, just like our existing daylong tourneys.
What an monumentally bad design decision by the ACBL

Did the ACBL masterpoint printing machines run out of ink? Looking at the ACBL masterpoint formula page, for a single session, only the top 25 places can get masterpoints). (and top 50 for a 4 session event)
Some people were predicting 10000 entries. You would have to place in the top 1/4% to get any section masterpoints at all. Maybe 1000 is more realistic. You would have to place in the top 2.5% to get any masterpoints.
In "regular" games, 35% are eligible for masterpoints. You just need a little more than average to have a good chance of picking up a section award. The top 2.5% in a 16 table (32 pairs) game means you would have to finish in 1st place to get any award at all.
There is zero incentive for good expert and below to enter since they don't have a realistic chance of winning any masterpoints. After throwing $40 down the drain and not getting close to earning any masterpoints, I don't expect many of those players to ever play in this type of event again, even if the ACBL sweetens the deal on masterpoint awards.
It's not just sour grapes on my part. I was 8th out of 1459 in the first day of the 2nd practice sessions, and 77th out of 7,779 in the overalls of the 1st practice sessions, although most of the favorites probably didn't play. I could have played better (just like everybody else

) so I think I have at least some chance for an overall finish. Is it worth it? I'm still debating whether to enter. I would have to finish in the top 3 or 4 to win more masterpoints than I would expect to win if I played in 40 $1 robot tournaments.