legal point ranges 2/1 ACBL
Posted 2017-June-22, 13:42
#1. Is it ACBL legal to have an agreement to open weak 2's with 4-11 points/?
#2 Is it ACBL legal to have agreement that overcalls are 2-16 points?
Posted 2017-June-22, 14:21
According the definitions: "An opening suit bid or response is considered natural if in a minor it shows
three or more cards in that suit and in a major it shows four or more cards in that suit."
For best of my knowledge ACBL has no authority to regulate natural bids, so mentioned agreement cannot be illegal.
Posted 2017-June-22, 14:34
dickiegera, on 2017-June-22, 13:42, said:
"weak two-bids which by partnership agreement are not within a range of 7 HCP and do not show at least five cards in the suit"
So this would [edit] not [edit] be allowed as long as your promising a 5+ card suit. Note 4-11 or 5-12 would not,
Technically it's not the weak 2 that is not allowed you can actually use a wide range weak 2 but then your not allowed any conventional responses or rebids. So no Ogust, feature, Keycard etc.
The actual rules can be found at GCC. There are other rules for other events Mid-char and Super-chart.
Posted 2017-June-22, 14:35
dickiegera, on 2017-June-22, 13:42, said:
Natural overcalls this weak are allowed as they are not a convention but natural. You would have to pre-alert your opponents that your overcalls can be very weak.
Posted 2017-June-22, 14:53
olegru, on 2017-June-22, 14:21, said:
Natural bids can be regulated if they are declared to be "special partnership understanding" (Law 40).
If is not unreasonable to declare weak opening bids and overcalls as "special" even if they are natural.
However, the ACBL takes a different approach. They do not regulate natural bids, but they do regulate artificial calls in the subsequent auction following natural weak opening bids.
"Robin Barker is a mathematician. ... All highly skilled in their respective fields and clearly accomplished bridge players."
Posted 2017-June-22, 16:33
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2017-June-22, 17:53
steve2005, on 2017-June-22, 14:34, said:
So this would be allowed as long as your promising a 5+ card suit. Note 3-11 or 4-12 would not,
Technically it's not the weak 2 that is not allowed you can actually use a wide range weak 2 but then your not allowed any conventional responses or rebids. So no Ogust, feature, Keycard etc.
The actual rules can be found at GCC. There are other rules for other events Mid-char and Super-chart.
I thought it was established in another thread that 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11 counted as an eight-point range.
Posted 2017-June-22, 18:39
Vampyr, on 2017-June-22, 17:53, said:
If 15-17 is a three point range (I believe it is) then 4-11 is an eight point range. So 4-11 for a weak two bid, while legal, would preclude using conventions after that opening. The range on my various cards is 5-11.
As for tv, screw it. You aren't missing anything. -- Ken Berg
Our ultimate goal on defense is to know by trick two or three everyone's hand at the table. -- Mike777
I have come to realise it is futile to expect or hope a regular club game will be run in accordance with the laws. -- Jillybean
Posted 2017-June-22, 19:22
Posted 2017-June-23, 09:00
Posted 2017-June-23, 11:46
“Range”: One more than the difference between the highest number of HCP a bid can be and the lowest.
So, range = 1 + (17 - 15) = 3
and for 4-11, range = 1 + (11 - 4) = 8
Posted 2017-July-06, 07:08
johnu, on 2017-June-23, 11:46, said:
“Range”: One more than the difference between the highest number of HCP a bid can be and the lowest.
So, range = 1 + (17 - 15) = 3
and for 4-11, range = 1 + (11 - 4) = 8
That would also seem finally to provide an answer for the long-standing non-continuous range question - 11-12 or 16-17 is officially a 7 point range and not a 4 point one.
Posted 2017-July-06, 09:59
Zelandakh, on 2017-July-06, 07:08, said:
In fact, the new chart makes this very clear in its examples:
You can find a draft of the Level 3 chart (which will replace the Mid-Chart, but definitions are presumably independent of the chart level) at