Icycookie, on 2017-May-09, 10:30, said:
This was, from my perspective, the match from Hell.
Without meaning to reduce my opponent's triumph in this match, it seemed that everything that could possibly go wrong did go wrong for me.
The two IMPs that I WON were for going down 1 in 6♦ when I misguessed a side suit queen while my opponent went down 2 tricks in 3NT. (An interesting hand. LHO opens 2♠ and I wound up in 6♦ from the short trump side with Ax -- KQJTx AJ7xxx in dummy facing my xxx AKTxx 7xx Kx. After a heart lead (winning in hand pitching a spade from dummy) I played a round of trump which RHO won, LHO following. RHO played a spade won in dummy. I played a second trump and found out that the weak 2 bidder has a singleton small diamond. There are now two choices - either finesse the weak 2 bidder for the club Q or play A, K and try to ruff the third round of clubs without pulling trump. I chose not to pull trump immediately and played the K and a second club towards dummy. The weak 2 bidder - LHO - follows with the 9 and 10. I chose to play the A (RHO following) and a third round. RHO ruffed in with the 8 to beat 6♦.)
As for the 47 IMPs that I lost, well,
7 for going down 800 in 2♦x while my opponent went down a mere 500 (I could certainly have held it to 500).
13 for misdefending a vul 3NT (definitely my fault).
13 because my opponent made a takeout double on an 8 count and this kept the robot opponents out of a cold vulnerable 6NT.
5 for getting to an aggressive (and poor) nonvul game which failed which my opponent avoided.
3 for going down 3 tricks vul when I balanced after (1♥) - P - (P) with 2♣ on a 4225 hand with AQxxx of clubs, finding partner with the singleton J. My opponent chose to balance with a double and that led to his robot partner bidding diamonds twice. However, 3♦ on the 5-2 fit only went down 2 tricks.
6 for playing a balanced 15 opposite a balanced 9 in 1NT while my opponent played in 3NT. 3NT made when two suits split 3-3 and a key Q was onside.
Not my greatest match, but I was kind of unlucky to lose by 45.