Challenge Event 8A Information and Results
Posted 2017-April-15, 18:32
Find your group in the Excel file below and then only follow and report results to your group thread.
Excel link for results/info: https://www.dropbox....0Fast.xlsx?dl=0
Group A forum thread for results/info: http://www.bridgebas...mation-results/
Group B forum thread for results/info: http://www.bridgebas...mation-results/
You will see the detailed rules in the group thread.
Posted 2017-April-15, 18:35
1) First 25 people in the MP list (list below) and our TD spyrosm automatically make it to Group Stage.
2) The other 15 people will play a three-way match with two survivors
-- 32 boards (2x16) vs. each opponent
-- Matchpoints
-- Non-best hand
-- Qualification:
** We look at the number of wins and pick top two in each three-way
** If the 2nd and 3rd place have same wins, then we look at total Matchpoints in 64 boards
** If the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place have same wins, then we look at total Matchpoints in 64 boards
** Next tie breaker: Number of boards actually fully won, then IMPs..
-- Deadline: Wednesday 11:59PM EST
Here are the matchups:
xavierf >> JJ_ >> pio_magic
hrothgar >> natali_ >> impfdich
wackojack >> shuba >> eagles123
gerardo >> scarletv >> tim_ucin
ant590 >> ye17 >> maximusg
Posted 2017-April-15, 18:59
Posted 2017-April-15, 19:04
Ideally befriend your opponent when challenge/accepting the first one; that one, once the first challenge is complete, you can challenge and play the second one quicker.
Posted 2017-April-15, 19:50
Posted 2017-April-15, 20:45
Posted 2017-April-15, 22:30
ovncylmz, on 2017-April-15, 20:45, said:
JJ_ and pio_magic - there was a mistake, the correct name of the other player in your group is xavierf, not frank0.
Posted 2017-April-16, 10:37
tim_ucin, on 2017-April-16, 04:51, said:
Non-best hand is 'normal'. Best hand means that the hand with most HCP points (or one of those) goes to you. For example, if you hold 12 HCPs in best-hand mode, you know that no other player at the table has more than 12 HCPs. In practice, in best-hand mode you have more interesting hands.
Posted 2017-April-16, 11:01
cepheid, on 2017-April-16, 06:54, said:
You did not register for this event. You can play the Swiss - we will open it for registration this week.
Posted 2017-April-16, 12:08
Tim_ucin / Gerardo
tim_ucin Score: 53.13% Rank: 1/2
Posted 2017-April-16, 12:16
Posted 2017-April-16, 13:01
nullve, on 2017-April-16, 05:26, said:
ovncylmz, on 2017-April-16, 11:00, said:
No, it's not masterpoint (You don't expect event 1 winner to have that little right?

-If you get m masterpoint in event n-k (n=8 this time), then you get m*(1-0.1*(k-1)) seeding points. For example, each masterpoint in event 4 (k=4) is converted to 0.7 seeding point in event 8.
-If you have non-zero second decimal digit, that means you have same amount of seeding points with some other players (in all players' pool, not necessarily register in this event), and I assigned 0.00-0.04 points adjustment (only for this event) base on 1. The amount of points you earned in the most recent event you play 2. Your performance in that event.
Posted 2017-April-16, 13:15
frank0, on 2017-April-16, 13:01, said:

-If you get m masterpoint in event n-k (n=8 this time), then you get m*(1-0.1*(k-1)) seeding points. For example, each masterpoint in event 4 (k=4) is converted to 0.7 seeding point in event 8.
-If you have non-zero second decimal digit, that means you have same amount of seeding points with some other players (in all players' pool, not necessarily register in this event), and I assigned 0.00-0.04 points adjustment (only for this event) base on 1. The amount of points you earned in the most recent event you play 2. Your performance in that event.
It is MP or seeding point or frank0point or nullvepoint - it is a depreciated point system we use for seeding the events.
Posted 2017-April-16, 16:27
set 1:
JJ_ 6 wins - 7 loses - 3 ties 46.88%
set 2:
JJ_ 5 wins - 3 loses - 8 ties 56.25%
Total: 11W-10L