I’m trying to use the facility to practice bidding with my partner. It is a fabulous tool to practice bidding without any intervention. But how to get EW bidding as a robot?
I can see an option for an EW convention card, but is has been grayed out. I found an option to let them pass or to enter their auctions manually, however, I don’t see their hand, so I can’t use that. I hope anybody can help my partner and me.
With kind regards,
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Practicing at a bidding table
Posted 2017-April-05, 15:00
If you sit North or South at a bidding table, then you can just click on the East and West seats to put a robot there. This assumes that you are using the web client.
Posted 2017-April-05, 18:50
Dutch_Lady, on 2017-April-05, 14:44, said:
I found an option to let them pass or to enter their auctions manually, however, I don't see their hand, so I can't use that. I hope anybody can help my partner and me.
I think you found the right switch, and 'manually' means that you can control the hand type(s) opponents may get by clicking the 'source' button. But you don't have to. Just select that switch when opening the table or later and then, als paulg suggested, don't forget to invite some robots to take place as East and West. These robots are free since they will only bid, not play.
Posted 2017-April-06, 02:08
This blog post - https://thebeercard....ing-robots.html - explains how to use some of the advanced features of the bidding tables. This particular example will often see the robot make an opening pre-empt: there are other examples on my blog if you search for 'robot'.
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