3♦ - 3♠ ...
I thought my hand was worth a jump rebid . My GIB partner surprised me with a 3♠ bid claiming '3 ♠; 11 - 12 total points; forcing', and I start dreaming about a slam for a little while. Yet I sign off in 4♠ which is a good thing because I go down only 4 while in a slam I may have gone down 6. How comes? Because I'm playing against a 6-1 trump split! How can I play against a 6-1 trump split if I have 8 trumps on my axis? Well, it turns out partner has only 1 trump, not 3 as promised! And as the summit of impertinence, it uses its trump J singleton as a feature to upgrade its hand from 6 HCP to 11 total points. Isn't this a good one?
Okay I may have made a trick or two more but I never play well when GIB lets me down like this.
In an attempt to answer my own question from the topic description, 'Isn't there any better bid?', the following alternatives were available:
4♣: '6+ ♣; 2- ♥; 2- ♠; 8+ HCP; 12- total points'.
4♦: '4+ ♦; 2- ♠; 7+ HCP; 12- total points'.
GIB couldn't bid any of these because it was lacking an HCP or two. (This is not a joke. Well, not primarily.)
On a side note, pass is forcing to 3NT in this situation. This is what the label says: 'No suitable call -- 3- ♠; 6+ HCP; 12- total points; forcing to 3N'.