My robot partner opened 1D and I responded 1H. Opposing robot overcalled 1S. Partner robot doubled to show 3 card support. After opponent's pass, I decided to ask for key cards.
My robot partner passed 4N. I was stunned to read that the robot thought I had 4+ hearts and 6+ points.
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Strange interpretation of auction
Posted 2017-March-31, 11:55
fhacker, on 2017-March-31, 06:28, said:
My robot partner opened 1D and I responded 1H. Opposing robot overcalled 1S. Partner robot doubled to show 3 card support. After opponent's pass, I decided to ask for key cards.
My robot partner passed 4N. I was stunned to read that the robot thought I had 4+ hearts and 6+ points.
My robot partner passed 4N. I was stunned to read that the robot thought I had 4+ hearts and 6+ points.
That's definitely an accurate description of your hand but that's what happens when you don't check the meaning of bids before making them Of course, sometimes the online description and GIB's interpretation isn't the same and you end up in a different ridiculous contract. There's no way to get these right every time.
Posted 2017-March-31, 14:10
fhacker, on 2017-March-31, 06:28, said:
My robot partner opened 1D and I responded 1H. Opposing robot overcalled 1S. Partner robot doubled to show 3 card support. After opponent's pass, I decided to ask for key cards.
My robot partner passed 4N. I was stunned to read that the robot thought I had 4+ hearts and 6+ points.
My robot partner passed 4N. I was stunned to read that the robot thought I had 4+ hearts and 6+ points.
I also would have thought that 4NT is asking for keycards, for what else could it be, but sometimes GIB just isn't programmed that way. I recomment to make a habit of always checking the bid before clicking it. In some cases as this one, you have to confirm the fit before you can ask for keycards. 3 cards opposite five was not considered a sufficient fit in this case by GIB. In order to confirm the fit, you can often overcall opponents' suit. In this case 2♠ still shows only 4+ ♥ but 3♠ shows 5+ ♥. 3♠ is your bid! Opener would probably bid 4♥ (or cue bid) upon which you can ask for keycards with 4NT.
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