Ptr (N, dealer) opens 1♠. With my shape and our vulnerability, I figure it's okay to call these 12 HCP a 2/1 game force, and bid 2♦. With 6 diamonds, I thought it made sense to focus them, especially since ptr bid spades to begin with, and so can it rebid 2♥ if we have a 4-4 hearts fit, without needing reverse strength. Ending up in a 6-1 spades, 6-{2,1} diamond, or 5-2 clubs contract at the three-level is acceptable if we have no major fit. With this shape, a 4-card major, and a xx doubleton, I'm thinking I should bid oriented toward suit contracts rather than 3NT.
Here's how the bidding proceded:
And down comes:
(ending up -100)
Should I have bid 2♥ or 3♥ when I had the chance? Why did the robot rebid ♠ *twice* when it had a cheap (below my suit) four-card suit? I feel like the auction should have gone 1♠--2♦--3♣--3♦--P. Although I understand the idea that a new suit after opening light is going to mislead one's ptr. . .
And regardless of my bidding, doesn't the 2♠ rebid denote 6+ spades (or possibly 5{332} with a light opening that wants to sign off below game despite partner's 2/1)?