I was playing the robots and opened with 1♥, raised by robot-ptr to 2♥, and had xxx in ♠ and an invitational hand so I bid 2NT as a help-suit / long-suit game-try. Robot had 8HCP (incl. a ♦Jx), Qxxx in ♠ and bid 4♥ anyway. What explains this?
Somehow the record reset and so I don't have the exact hands available, but IIRC it was something like:
N (robot)
S (me)
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Robots and two-way game try
Posted 2017-March-22, 16:08
The south hand has 14 cards. As for accepting the game try, 2NT shows 3-11 8421 points in spades, and so it probably felt that Qxxx was good enough given you "must" have an honor.
Wayne Somerville
Posted 2017-March-22, 18:57
manudude03, on 2017-March-22, 16:08, said:
The south hand has 14 cards. As for accepting the game try, 2NT shows 3-11 8421 points in spades, and so it probably felt that Qxxx was good enough given you "must" have an honor.
Even if I was a bit too weak to make a game-try bid, the robot doesn't know that.
Posted 2017-March-22, 23:07
Also, I think I included one too many ♣. So
♣QJx, maybe QJ9 or QJ8. Something that seemed sequencey and was thick when matched with robot's clubs.
♣QJx, maybe QJ9 or QJ8. Something that seemed sequencey and was thick when matched with robot's clubs.
Posted 2017-March-22, 23:38
As manudude03 implied, GIB defines the game try as having a queen or better. So using it on xxx will never work well.
Posted 2017-March-26, 03:29
8 hcp is better than the minimum, so not unreasonable to accept.
Here, of course, south is too weak to invite.
Here, of course, south is too weak to invite.
Posted 2017-March-29, 16:14
Thanks, all. What is the logic behind needing Qxx or better in a help-suit? I guess if you're playing two-way game tries, and your biggest vulnerability is a xxx or xxxx suit, then you care most about partner having shortness in that suit, so you bid 2♠ or 2NT to ask for their shortness.
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