![Posted Image](http://i.imgur.com/nsEli3k.png)
I was playing uncompetitively so I decided to midly lie to the robots about my holding (4d-5c rather than 5d-5c) to get some experience in playing Cappelletti. A 2c overcall would have been less descriptive, too.
Opener (W) doubles "for penalty", but the explanation in the window doesn't indicate anything other than the usual criteria for a 1NT opening bid. And opener (W) has poor defense in the minors (worthless doubleton and Axx) relative to their point-count.
Partner bids its better minor, which is doubled by the -1-points-holding passed hand:
![Posted Image](http://i.imgur.com/QpEJyjx.png)
I do not understand this bid by the robot at all. I promised 5 diamonds; partner selected diamonds (presumably 4+). Robot making the double has negative-one points and three diamonds.
Being fine with playing in 3D doubled, more than another contract, I pass. Opener (W, who bid the initial 1NT) bids 3H. This is the bid I would say I understand the least if I didn't understand the previous bid at all. They (W) have a four-card suit that will produce three (two if they're unlucky) tricks and would need a long suit in partner to get extra tricks. Partner doubles for penalty:
![Posted Image](http://i.imgur.com/XPFnayE.png)
Contract for 3Hx made 7 tricks, so nice score for us.
Commentary and prescriptions for the robots are welcomed. Thanks!