I has 5 losers by my reckoning so 4♠ was on even if partner was minimum, but if he had just 7 losers a slam might be on. What bid can I make that is forcing but allows for exploration?
Is there a forcing bid I can make here?
Posted 2017-January-17, 15:15
I has 5 losers by my reckoning so 4♠ was on even if partner was minimum, but if he had just 7 losers a slam might be on. What bid can I make that is forcing but allows for exploration?
Posted 2017-January-17, 15:30
Posted 2017-January-17, 16:09
Posted 2017-January-17, 16:20
Posted 2017-January-17, 16:52
Posted 2017-January-17, 17:08
I take the view that a splinter raise to 4S does not promise any more values than any other response to 4S (absent special agreements and conventions, and this is the N/B forum) - it is just a descriptive bid that helps partner evaluate. So I am in the camp that would splinter.
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2017-January-18, 01:01
Posted 2017-January-18, 02:46
Posted 2017-January-18, 07:33
Zelandakh, on 2017-January-18, 02:46, said:
Agree. I am also satisfied with 3♠.
Posted 2017-January-18, 10:04
So, while partner might have responded 1S on KJxxx,xx, Qx, xxxx making a game virtually cold, or
while partner might have responded 1S on AKxxx, xx, Ax, xxxx making a slam virtually certain,
the fact remains that partner might have responded 1S on Jxxxx, x, QJx, KQJx or Jxxxx, x, Axxx, KJx too. With the former hand, game is far from certain (though will typically make); with the latter hand, game is a poor proposition. And partner's hand could easily be worse so forcing to game with your hand is very optimistic and strikes me as unjustified.
So, I think your reasonable rebid alternatives are 3S (invitational and non-forcing - the value bid that fits your hand) and 4C (a Splinter showing club shortness, 4 card spades support, and game forcing values - an overbid that will work often enough to encourage more overbidding in the future).
Posted 2017-January-18, 10:54
Posted 2017-January-18, 11:08
msjennifer, on 2017-January-18, 01:01, said:
Surrendering to existential truth is the beginning of enlightenment.
Posted 2017-January-18, 11:39
Because you got a 5 loser hand based on shape with not a lot of points 4s is best if your p has 7 losers or better your p will do a slam try.
Posted 2017-January-18, 11:52
3♦ is natural and game forcing and followed by 4♠ pinpoints the club situation. Not for the faint of heart or even indicated here but it's a (weird) consideration that might work out and find out if your partner has a sense of humour. The opponents silence so far indicates that partner may well have a pretty good hand and I will have a decent handle on how many hearts they own after this bid.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2017-January-18, 13:33
probably right answer but wrong forum

2♣ p bids 2♦ with 8+ or something else with weak hand
Posted 2017-January-18, 16:24
By the way, with my regular partner, I would bid 3H (splinter that isn't forcing to game) if the clubs and hearts were reversed. While I would guess to bid a game if I can't find out how partner likes my shortness, I'm willing to invite if I'm allowed to tell partner where my shortness is.
nekthen, on 2017-January-18, 13:33, said:
probably right answer but wrong forum

Posted 2017-January-18, 16:47
I think you are asking the wrong question. The question you want to ask yourself is "Should I be the describer or the decider?". Or perhaps "What bid will maximize the chances of getting to the best (or a decent) contract?"
On this hand, you have four-card support for partner. You know it but your partner doesn't. You should let him in on the good news ASAP. You will notice that all the respondents agreed that you should show spade support in some manner - that you describing your hand to partner was paramount. I agree. Let's pretend you do not play splinters. Every player here would tell you to bid 3S or 4S. Neither of those bids are forcing, but each of those is the best bid, in the opinion of those who chose it, to get you to your best contract. The problem with making a forcing bid (which can't be in spades) is that you will never convince your partner that you have four spades later; and if partner responded 1S on four small spades, they are probably going to try to correct any spade contract you choose (which might be OK if they correct to hearts, but it's a level higher, but they may try to correct to whatever suit you made the forcing bid in, and you certainly don't want that.)
You will do better in the auction if you always ask yourself "Where?" and "How High?" and bidding the correct contract only when you know the answer to both of those questions. If you don't know the answer to one, typically your best action is to make a bid that further describes your hand to partner in hopes that he will be able to answer both of the questions. Some people play complicated artificial relay systems where the correct question could be "How do I get the information I need?" but most natural systems have somebody that doesn't know the answer to both questions making a descriptive bid.
Posted 2017-January-18, 17:24
Posted 2017-January-18, 17:49
ggwhiz, on 2017-January-18, 11:52, said:
I don't like this. A delayed raise will often suggest 3-card support. Suppose it goes
This certainly doesn't show four spades. Partner might even think that it is a cuebid that could be a singleton. If he subsequently asks for keycards you can have a misunderstanding about what suit is trumps.
Not to mention that partner might bid 5D instead of 4D.
Just raise spades. Neither 3S nor 4c is perfect but at least partner will know which suit is trumps.
Posted 2017-January-18, 23:39
an HONEST explanation and enlighten all who are in responders seat ?