Help with Odwrotka-like relay Support or clubs
Posted 2017-January-05, 02:35
1S = Natural F1. 5+ spades if strong. XY-NT continuation.
1NT = 12-14 NT.
2C = Natural without support, 17+.
2D = Odwrotka. 3+ support and 17+.
2M = 12-14 NT.
2oM = Natural without support, 17+. 1C-1H; 2S shows a good suit.
2NT = 20+ 4441 or balanced without support.
3C = 20+, 4+C and 5+D without support.
3D = 20+, 6+D without support.
3M = Undefined.
3oM = 20+, 5+D and 4oM without support.
Higher = Undefined.
I'm not very fond of the diamonds showing bids, and was thinking of incorporating Odwrotka into the 2C bid; making it show 3+ support or clubs. Then 2D would be natural 20+ without support. When playing Odwrotka we do the following:
1C-1M; 2D---
2H = 12+
Higher = 8--11
So my idea with the Odwrotka/clubs combination would be along these lines:
1C-1M; 2C---
2D = Waiting, 8--11.
...2H = Shows support, back to usual Odwrotka scheme.
...2S+ = Clubs without support.
2H = 12+.
...2S = Shows support, back to usual Odwrotka scheme.
...2NT+ = Clubs without support.
For responder's higher rebids I'm not quite sure, but have thought of the waiting bids denying a 6+ suit (we respond 1M to 1C with longer minor unless GF):
2S = 6+ major, 8--11.
2NT = 6+ major, 12+.
3C = 6+ clubs, 8--11.
3D = 6+ diamonds, 8--11.
This will all be fine when opener has the hand with support, but I'm not sure how the bidding should continue when opener has the club hand. Any suggestions?
Posted 2017-January-05, 02:51
Presumably the 2d rebid covers 54mm hands also? then maybe it's ok.
There is a difference between a 1♥ response and a 1♠ response, btw. After 1♠, it can't be efficient to make 2♦ show diamonds and 2♥ show hearts. Hands with primary diamonds are quite specific (as they don't usually open 1♦ in the first place).
Maybe better to play
2♣=odwrotka or diamonds
Posted 2017-January-05, 04:17
I do not quite get what you mean in the second paragraph, sorry.
Posted 2017-January-05, 04:23
Kungsgeten, on 2017-January-05, 04:17, said:
oops sorry I messed it up. Corrected now.
Posted 2017-January-05, 15:34
1C-1M; 2C = 5m
1C-1M; 2D = 3+ M support
1C-1M; 3m = one-suiter, 17-19
After 1C-1M; 2C you can bid natural 2M/3m (6 cards or 5-5) or relay with 2D:
2oM= 4M + longer minor
2M= both minors, 17-19
2NT= both minors, 20+
3m= one-suiter, 20+
Cheers, T.
Posted 2017-January-05, 18:04
kreivi68, on 2017-January-05, 15:34, said:
1C-1M; 2C = 5m
1C-1M; 2D = 3+ M support
1C-1M; 3m = one-suiter, 17-19
After 1C-1M; 2C you can bid natural 2M/3m (6 cards or 5-5) or relay with 2D:
2oM= 4M + longer minor
2M= both minors, 17-19
2NT= both minors, 20+
3m= one-suiter, 20+
Cheers, T.
We used to do something like that, but moved away from it when we increased the range of our 1D opening. Perhaps it would be worthwhile to have a look at it again. We used the 2C rebid as 17+ with a two-suited hand with a 5+ minor (a jump to 3m was 17+ single-suiter). See Lakebeach 2C here.
Posted 2017-January-05, 19:01
Posted 2017-January-19, 04:21
Kungsgeten, on 2017-January-05, 18:04, said:
I've been thinking and an idea could be to put hands with 5+D and 4+C into the 2C rebid. Something like this:
2C = 4+C, unbalanced. May have longer diamonds (if so then 20+ hcp).
3C = 5+D and 4oM, 20+
3D = 6+D, 20+
After 2C responder can relay with 2D or bid something natural.
1C-1M; 2C-2D;
2H = 5+C, minimum (about 17--19). May relay with 2S.
2S = 5+D and 4+C, 20+
2NT = 5+C and 4oM, 20+
3C = 6+C, 20+
3D = 5+C and 4D, 20+
3HS = ???
Posted 2017-January-19, 08:08
2oM = 17-19, 4oM
2N = 17-19, 3M
3♣ = 17-19, 6+♣, 1-suited
3♦ = 17-19, 4♦
3M = 17-19, 4M
Then it is just a matter of distributing the 20+ hands between 2♣ and 2♦, which should be easy. Actually that is too easy so there is probably a key hand type missed out...

Posted 2017-January-19, 09:55
Zelandakh, on 2017-January-19, 08:08, said:
2oM = 17-19, 4oM
2N = 17-19, 3M
3♣ = 17-19, 6+♣, 1-suited
3♦ = 17-19, 4♦
3M = 17-19, 4M
Then it is just a matter of distributing the 20+ hands between 2♣ and 2♦, which should be easy. Actually that is too easy so there is probably a key hand type missed out...

Well, it is not really meant to be a relay structure (perhaps I misused the "relay" word), just that responder can make a "waiting" bid instead of making a natural bid, for instance:
1C-1S; 2C---
2D = Waiting (or relay, whatever you want to call it)
2H = 5-5 majors
2S = 6+ spades
2NT = Not sure, perhaps 4+ clubs and extras, or maybe 5-5 spades + diamonds.
3C = 4+ clubs
3D = 5-5 spades + diamonds (if not in 2NT)
Regarding our system I think you misunderstood the 1C opening. The 1C opening shows:
a) 12-14 NT without a five card major. We treat 4-4-1-4 as NT.
b) 17--19 with 5M332.
c) Any 20+.
d) 17--19 unbalanced with 5+H, 5+S or 5+C.
I tend to describe it as 12-14 NT or 17+, but we exclude 17-19 NT and 17-19 unbalanced with primary diamonds.
So what I'm suggesting is:
1C-1S (1S shows 4+S unlimited and is GF vs strong hand);
1NT = 12-14 NT, not 4S
2C = < 3 spades. Unbal 5+C 17+ or 4+C and 5+D 20+.
2D = 3+ spades, 17+
2H = < 3 spades. 5+H, 17+
2S = 12-14 NT, 4S.
2NT = 20+ NT with 2S or 1-4-4-4 20+.
3C = < 3 spades. 5+D, 4H, 20+.
3D = < 3 spades. 6+D, 20+.
Higher = Undefined.