At the club last night I was called in the middle of the auction on this hand. EW play standard Benjamin Acol and ask a lot about alerted calls, NS play a scientific, gadget-rich version of Acol with a strong no trump, multi-2♦ and various other things.
North alerted 2NT, West asked and he explained it as the lowest-ranking two suits. He bid 3♦ and then realised his mistake after East had passed, called the director and corrected the explanation to both majors. East didn't want to retract her pass, South was warned about unauthorized information and the table was invited to call me back at the end of play if, for example, West might have made a different call with the correct explanation, or if anyone thought there might be cause for redress in any way.
There is no indication that South reacted to North's explanation in any way, so let's assume he didn't. The correct explanation was both majors (it's very popular around here, and has caught me out too in the past).
South made the contract for 8/8 MPs. I wasn't called back, but do you think I should have been?