GIB Survivor Tournament (MPs).
Lead is 5♣, and East plays the Q over dummy's J. What is the best play from here?
It seems I am going to lose two diamonds, and must set them up immediately before the opps set up the hearts. I won with the K♣, and played a diamond to the J. East won, sent back an expected heart. Diamonds broke 2-2; opps actually played on clubs, but West had AQ♠ and I made my 7 tricks.
Scoring.. 26%.
I realised afterwards it would be better leading the K♦ - this gains a trick if either player has a singleton Q, vs hoping for a singleton Ace which only helps if that singleton is with West.
Players who won the K♣ and lead the K♦ had West helpfully duck, so immediately scored +1.
Not true for players who won the A♣ and lead the K♦, but most of those, plus some who won the A♣ and played a low diamond, ended up being given an extra spade trick at some point. Plus of course, people who made the seemingly terrible play of leading to the A♥ and running the J♦ got an extra trick too.
A lot of this can probably be put down to the randomness of GIB - but is there anything more to this hand that I've missed, or is the low score (mainly) due to plain bad luck?
Full hand for reference:
It seems I am going to lose two diamonds, and must set them up immediately before the opps set up the hearts. I won with the K♣, and played a diamond to the J. East won, sent back an expected heart. Diamonds broke 2-2; opps actually played on clubs, but West had AQ♠ and I made my 7 tricks.
Scoring.. 26%.
I realised afterwards it would be better leading the K♦ - this gains a trick if either player has a singleton Q, vs hoping for a singleton Ace which only helps if that singleton is with West.
Players who won the K♣ and lead the K♦ had West helpfully duck, so immediately scored +1.
Not true for players who won the A♣ and lead the K♦, but most of those, plus some who won the A♣ and played a low diamond, ended up being given an extra spade trick at some point. Plus of course, people who made the seemingly terrible play of leading to the A♥ and running the J♦ got an extra trick too.
A lot of this can probably be put down to the randomness of GIB - but is there anything more to this hand that I've missed, or is the low score (mainly) due to plain bad luck?
Full hand for reference: