I have posted these problems in the Intermediate forum as I suspect that there are several intermediate players that might be interested that do not look at this forum.
Bidding problems for novices part 7 When they preempt, be practical
Posted 2016-November-12, 09:22
If is a right thing to learn to "student(s)" needs also to consider the field where you move yourself that in this case is the Bridge with all (=that is not defined yet) its complexities and varieties for a great work surely. To explicate too much can make vain this work or almost complicate the understanding. Than i think to suggest you this way: when you explain anything that can be simple can proceed with telling as you are doing with the aim to clear better whilest when talking about anything more complex or various try to focus first at the end and subsequently starting with narration so the reader can appreciate and follow better and with more usefull what you are talking about.