- Balanced INV+, with or without four card major(s).
- Slam interest in clubs.
- GF with a five card major.
Opener's rebids are inspired by Meckwell (I think?):
2H = A four card major, not 6-4 if max
2S = 6+ clubs and shortness somewhere
2NT = 6+ clubs, no shortness and max
3C = 6+ clubs, no shortness and min
3DHS = 6-4, max
I've been thinking that perhaps we could use the same principles as over our 1D, 1H, and 1S relays. Here we use 2C as a GF relay and two-suiters resolve at 3C+ and one-suiters at 2NT+, like below (not optimal, but easy to remember):
3C = High shortness
3D = 5422
3H = 5431 low shortness
3S = 5-5, low shortness
3NT = 6-4, low shortness
2NT = 7+ suit or max with 6322
3C = 6-card suit and shortness, min
3D = 6322 min
3H = 6-card suit, low shortness, max
3S = 6-card suit, medium shortness, max
3NT = 6-card suit, high shortness, max
Could this be used over 2C--2D too? I've been thinking along these lines:
2H = Natural, could be 4-4-0-5 (rebids 2NT after 2S relay)
2S = Natural
2NT = 6+ clubs, no shortness, min (3C is now non-forcing)
3C = 6+ clubs and shortness, min
3D = 6+ clubs, no shortness, max
3H/S/NT = 6+ clubs, low/medium/high shortness, max
I think this may be better than our current structure regarding slam bidding, but probably worse if its about finding the right game/partscore.
Also I know about Zelandakh's transfer structure (which is nice, but partner won't play it), so please try to stay on topic