a) http://webutil.bridg...aeb4-1473963205
The URL for 6DE= in board 1 is broken due to the apostrophe in "Opener's suit" not being correctly encoded (so the rest of the URL gets cut off).
b) http://webutil.bridg...30253&u=zebutin
The URL for 6SN= in board 13 is broken due to the ampersand not being correctly encoded. This time, the whole link gets carried across, but still breaks the result unless you replace & by %26 in the resulting URL.
This doesn't just affect the results pages, but also the tinyurl links generated by 'export hand' within the playing interface itself. Apostrophes don't break as badly - they appear to be simply stripped:
http://tinyurl.com/z3rfktr (click on the 2S bid)
I don't have an example, but there was definitely a case in the past where the tinyurl link was fully broken like in the second case - probably for the same reason (the ampersand in a Queen & King response).
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Encoding errors cause hand links to sometimes break
Posted 2016-September-16, 10:20
The first encoding problem is fixed now.
I think the issue with apostrophes being removed during "Export Hand" will require a change to the web client.
I think the issue with apostrophes being removed during "Export Hand" will require a change to the web client.
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