Under trump play point count is made-up of hcpts., distribution pts. and formation pts. Whereas, under no-trump play point count is made-up of hcpts. and formation pts.
When contemplating overcalling a three level strain bid with a strain bid, don't overcall unless the combined hand's have at least 29 pts. to cover the missing requisite trump footprint; or a minimum of 26 hcpts., or matching amount of hcpts. and formation pts., when contemplating a 3NT bid. There is a chance a four level trump contract can be made with 26-28 combined hand pts., provided the trump strain footprint is 4/4 with over six hcpts. in each hand or a trick taking tactic having the value of one trick, like a finesse or discard, were found and successfully consummated.
When contemplating overcalling a 2NT (combined hand pt. range 23-25) bid with a strain bid, due to the residual distribution pts. in the combined hands the bid can be made safely without the addition of points. To raise the bid to 3NT bidder should have three undeclared hcpts., or three in-hand formation pts. not included in the current combined hand point count.
If neither option can be met, pass.

Watch for Talking Pts. V??