1C = 15+ NT / 17+ unbal
1D = 5+ major, unbal, 11--16. Denies 4 card major.
1H = 3-4 card major (semi)bal 11--14 / Unbal 4M canapé (or 4441), 11--16
1S = 3-4 card major (semi)bal 11--14 / Unbal 4M canapé (or 4-1-4-4), 11--16
1N = 10--14, (semi)bal with 5 card major (5M332 or possibly 5M4m22 / 5M-3OM-4-1 that looks no trumpy)
2C = 5+C unbal, 12--16, no major
2D = 5+D unbal, 12--16, no major
2M = 6 card major, 10--13
2NT = 5-5 minors, 12--15
In order to spice things up further one could look at Tangerine Club, and include 9--10 NT into the 1C opening
Edit: I tried to write some continuations, which can be found here. http://snortingmarad...best_major.html