Some People Think I'm Bonkers But I Just think I'm free
Posted 2016-July-28, 07:50
I don't think you do have enough for 2NT. So I would bid 2H. If this gets passed out, it might work out. If it gets doubled, I will run to 2S which, as I understand, is a command for partner to Pass for the remainder of the auction.
Posted 2016-July-28, 08:11
Caitlynne, on 2016-July-28, 07:50, said:
This is not necesarily so - you can also bid 2♠ with 1-2 in the majors and a good hand, or maybe by agreement with spades only (but, as manudude says, this should be a hand with at least invitational strength probably), or maybe you have agreed that it cal also be a weak hand with long clubs and tolerance for spades but not for hearts.
In any case, bidding 2♠ will take you past 2♠ while pass or 2♥ will allow you to bid 2♠ after they double you. It is of course possible that 3♠ (doubled or not) is better than 2♥ undoubled, but the risk that p misunderstands 2♠ followed by 3♠, plus the chance that opps will save us from 2♥, makes me to bid 2♥ also. It is also possible that 2♥ is not a bad contract.
As for pass, I think the hand is too good. 2♦-4 is a bad result if opps can't make anything.
Posted 2016-July-28, 09:41
helene_t, on 2016-July-28, 00:46, said:
Even if I have that agreement, I'm bidding 2♥. Bidding 2 then 3 spades is a 'come double me' auction, and my spade suit is nowhere near robust enough for that. I'm much more interested in playing undoubled than getting to the best partscore.
Posted 2016-July-28, 10:19
The_Badger, on 2016-July-28, 03:39, said:
Far too often I've made what I consider a 'good' game, only to bag a negative IMP score. Trouble is, some oaf at another table will have made a monstrous sacrifice, doubled and going umpteen down, and that simply distorts the figures. I can't force my opponents to sacrifice....!
Anyway, back to the OP: for those who can't be bothered to seek out the actual board on BBO, here are the E-W hands:
As you've probably guessed, W passed and 2♦ was the final contract. Trumps broke 4-3 but they still went down -4. An IMPs score of -0.33 looks reasonable to me. If I'd been playing, it would have ended up at -15 or thereabouts....

Posted 2016-July-28, 10:39
661_Pete, on 2016-July-28, 10:19, said:

Indeed, clearly the only reason you have a negative IMP score is because of the continuous bad luck that follows you around. It is really a shame that the luck in bridge never evens itself out. Otherwise it might even be a half decent game.
Posted 2016-July-28, 11:50
East (wackojack) bid 2♦ and alerted it as "Weak M or strong m". Given the strong minor option, I would not have passed, instead bidding 2♥. If the agreement for 2♦ was "weak long Major" only, I think a pass is not all that risky.
Posted 2016-July-28, 12:23
Zelandakh, on 2016-July-28, 10:39, said:
Indeed, either you have been kibbing all my chatlines, or you realise by now that my middle name is 'Karapet'. Although I am not aware of having any Armenian blood, it's a dead cert that I must be his own twin brother

Having said that, I notice that my IMPs monthly average has just nudged its way back 'into the black', thanks to some lucky breaks in this afternoon's session. It can't last!
Posted 2016-July-29, 03:08
Posted 2016-July-29, 03:30
661_Pete, on 2016-July-28, 12:23, said:
It is fate trying to fool you into thinking you have a realistic chance before swiping it away from you with some catastrophic bad luck in a few hands' time.

Posted 2016-July-29, 04:42
shyams, on 2016-July-28, 11:50, said:
Maybe not 'risky', but it rates to be a worse part score than 2♥ - partner must be odds-against to have 4+ diamonds, and sometimes even with 4, the hand will play better with the long suit as trumps.
Posted 2016-July-29, 08:11
Tramticket, on 2016-July-29, 04:43, said:

Almost as good as a weak 2♦