I am inclined to give East the
♥A, since he might have made a weak jump without it holding good diamonds and a singleton spade at these colors.
Obviously another diamond promotes a trick if West is not out of trumps but drawing trumps you will either loose your diamond trick or control.
Play your remaining trump honor from dummy and another one.
It seems also unlikely that a competent East would discard a club from 4 cards on the second round of trumps.
When East discards a club play 2 rounds of clubs. Unless East is 6-6 in the minors West will follow to these.
Then 2 further round of trumps.
When you cash your last trump the scenario is something like this:
where the heart ace could be on either side.
East can not afford a diamond discard since you then can cash the diamond queen, so will have to come down to 2 hearts.
You discard your club loser and now play a heart from hand and the defense is helpless. If they duck you simply continue with a low heart.
This line looses only if East controls club and West has the ace of hearts.
But then East is 1-1-6-5 and could have beaten the contract with a heart ruff a long time ago.
Rainer Herrmann