North (dealer) hand.
H KT953
For interest here is South’s hand but I’m mainly interested in Norths actions.
H 876
D 6
C A98632
An older copy of Bridge Baron bid the hands as: 1H - f1N; 2D - 3H; 4H - P.
Also set to 2/1, my new Jack program produced: 1H - f1N; 3D - 3H; 4H - 4N; 5H - P. 5H = 2 no Q. With 3D being identified as 18+. To me 3D is aggressive with the KS and ordinary H suit. Neither program uses Gazzilli 2C.
Firstly with the singleton spade how much is North’s hand worth? Some players in a Precision group I attended would initially discount the KS to virtually zero. I would rather have it than the opponents so it must be worth something but how much? I guess Jack allowed more for it than BB. I ran the hand through an evaluator on Richard Pavlicek’s site (http://www.rpbridge....cgi-bin/ and it generated 17.3 using Kaplan-Rubens methods. With the f1N I'm none the wiser about the worth of my KS. So is it a poor 3D or a 2D bid with plenty to spare?
Secondly I’m experimenting with Gazzilli 2C* (1 of major, forcing 1N, then 2C* as 16+). North’s hand is 2D and 1/2 and should be one that Gazzilli assists with. Now I need some guidance from Gazzilli users. Would you downgrade the hand to 1H - f1N; 2D or perhaps bid 1H - f1N; 3D (not forcing)?
Another possible approach is to use Gazzilli (and counting some value for KS): 1H - f1N; 2C* ,an advantage being that responder can now bid an artificial 2D with 8-10, or make a weaker bid, or a strong limit bid like 3H that shows 3 trumps and below 2/1 requirements. BTW I use revBergen so I can’t bid 1H - 3H. Bidding with or without Gazzilli these hands, NS are going to game anyhow. Would you use Gazzilli 2C’s though? i.e. 1H- 1N; 2C*- 3H; 4H
What if North was:
S x
H KT953
but South holds 5 - 7 with no good fit? Without Gazzilli it might go 1H 1NT; 3D[GF] - ?

from Gazzilli experimenter
