decide after an invitation
Posted 2016-July-12, 04:17
1) 18-19 balanced
2) semi-balanced, in which case he might be slightly weaker.
3) singleton in diamonds, but with a source of tricks in clubs
In all cases 3NT is obvious
Rainer Herrmann
Posted 2016-July-12, 06:08
Posted 2016-July-12, 07:45
Posted 2016-July-12, 09:03
Since all I did was get us out of a potentially fatal 3-2 club fit and try to play a diamond partial I'm raising and if partner has less than Qx in diamonds (AND at least 1 of them is bidding on air) we are going to have a little chat.
Edit: I suppose AKxxxxx of clubs with appropriate major suit cards is ok in that my lho may be bidding on a 4-6 nothing count.
What is baby oil made of?
Posted 2016-July-12, 11:21
Axxx...Kx...Qx...AQJxx which looks like a 1nt opener but ok.
east something close to:
otherwise agree North seems to have bid a fishy 2nt.
Posted 2016-July-12, 12:22
mike777, on 2016-July-12, 06:17, said:
Assuming South's bidding shows roughly 5-9 points, I don't think that's a 2N bid.
Posted 2016-July-12, 13:16
mike777, on 2016-July-12, 06:17, said:
give east:
With this hand opener should pass 2D.
Posted 2016-July-12, 13:17
Posted 2016-July-13, 02:26
These questions are academic however because 3NT is clear imo. (Although partner can't possibly be 18-19 bal).
Posted 2016-July-13, 03:33
If he has only a single, we are doomed, if he has a doubleton, he has to duck and the attacked suit has to stand. Beside bad ♦ standing.
But 2NT is in any case not wishable so I will try 3NT with the expectation of a collapse.
The alternate 3♦ may even be worse than 2NT.
Posted 2016-July-13, 05:13
wank, on 2016-July-13, 03:52, said:
♥Qxx, ♦KQJ10xx would be better with what looks like a certain heart entry once the diamonds have been established for one loser.
Partner is very likely to be 4315 here and you have 2 tricks for him, possibly with the consolidation of a heart trick but no late entry.
Give partner as much as AKxx, AQx, x, AQxxx and 3N is not great.
Posted 2016-July-13, 07:41
Posted 2016-July-13, 08:41
2D showed six diamonds and little else. You could easily make such a bid on Qx, xx, KJxxxx, xxx. Yet you have quite a good diamond suit including the Ace and King AND THE TEN which can make the Queen or Jack, if with partner, huge. And, even beyond that, you have heart values which may produce a likely second stopper if partner has a holding like K9x or A9x and will produce a positional second stopper if partner has Ax.
You have a good hand for this auction. It would be EXTREMELY timid to not bid game.