High crossruff lines look appealing. There are several variations:
a) S10, DA, HA, HK, H ruff low, CA, CK, C ruff, D ruff low, C ruff, D ruff low, high crossruff
b) As above but ruffing two hearts rather than two diamonds
c) SA, HA, HK, DA, H ruff low, CA, CK, club ruff low, D ruff low, high crossruff
d) As above but ruffing a second diamond rather than a heart
Ignoring cases where you can overruff:
a) needs hearts 5-3 or 4-4, diamonds 4-3, clubs 5-2 or 4-3
b) 4-4 ; 5-2 or 4-3 ; 5-2 or 4-3
c) 5-3 or 4-4 ; 4-3 or 5-2 ; 4-3
d) 6-2, 5-3, or 4-4; 4-3 ; 4-3
which naively gives a) 46%, b) 29%, c) 46%, d) 37%
Perhaps not so appealing after all then

. Let's take an equally naive look at Cyberyeti's line of playing for either rounded suit to behave (5-3 hearts with Qxx or clubs 4-3): a whopping 70%!
It's almost certainly possible to combine chances, but I can't seem to figure out the best way to maintain entries to the long clubs should we manage to set them up. (Too late in the evening!)
MP. This hand came when Csaba (Gwnn) and I played at a clun. Opponents are flight A players. I was N and Csaba got to play this hand.
Lead:♠ 2 and other opponent follows with 8.
How do you plan the play? (trumps are 3-1 if you cash them, W has 3 of them)