There are fifteen point altering card formations I am aware of that by their in-hand presence will inflate/deflate point count disrupting the matching-up between point count and corresponding bid level ranges.
Abiding by the 5cardMABBS South opens declaring five hearts and at least 13 pts. North responds at the three level (pt. range 23-25) declaring having 11-12 pts. and enough hearts to fill out the 5/3 requisite trump footprint. South perceiving from the bid that the 5/3 requisite trump footprint is satisfied and that the combined hands have at least 25 pts. (Three level pt. range) with the 1 pt. not declared in the opening bid, bids hearts at the four level (pt. range 26-28). Unfortunately the contract gets set! Instead of having 26 pts. the combined hands have 23. The doubleton queen of clubs in North's hand reduced the hand's point count by the value of one trick (3 pts.).
Watch for Talking Pts.???