Does anyone have some good bidding table scripts to practice overcalls and responding to overcalls for beginners?
I want to sit two players and two gibs at a bidding table. Have the gib open and the players overcall and respond, at first always with a fit. Practicing simple beginner sequences for example:
(1m) 1M (pass) 2m
(1m) 1M (pass) 2M
(1m) 1M (pass) 3M
and also 1M openings with overcall and respond with a fit. Later I want to expand into hands without fit and hands with more competetive bidding.
My first attempt:
(( hcp(west)>=11 and clubs(west)>=5 and spades(west)<=4 and hearts(west)<=4 ) or
( hcp(west)>=11 and diamonds(west)>=5 and spades(west)<=4 and hearts(west)<=4 ) or
( hcp(west)>=12 and hcp(west)<=14 and spades(west)<=4 and hearts(west)<=4 ) or
( hcp(west)>=18 and hcp(west)<=19 and spades(west)<=4 and hearts(west)<=4 )
) and
(( hcp(north)>=9 and spades(north)>=5 ) or
( hcp(north)>=9 and hearts(north)>=5 ) or
( hcp(north)>=11 and clubs(north)>=6) or
( hcp(north)>=11 and diamonds(north)>=6))
( hcp(east)<=5)
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Bidding table overcall and respond looking for scripts/constraints
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