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Posted 2016-May-01, 16:18
MPs, all red
LHO deals and opens 1C, your partner passes and RHO bids 1S. You conveniently decided to play 1NT as a two suiter longer in the cheaper suit so that is what you bid:
It doesn't impress much LHO who jumps to 3S, nor RHO who bids 4. After 3 passes, find the lead now...
LHO deals and opens 1C, your partner passes and RHO bids 1S. You conveniently decided to play 1NT as a two suiter longer in the cheaper suit so that is what you bid:
It doesn't impress much LHO who jumps to 3S, nor RHO who bids 4. After 3 passes, find the lead now...
Posted 2016-May-01, 16:48
DA then plan the defense if there's anything left to plan at that point.
Hi y'all!
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Winner - BBO Challenge bracket #6 - February, 2017.
Posted 2016-May-02, 12:49
I would choose to lead my singleton spade. (My second choice lead is the Ace of diamonds.)
Given that I have a good and shapely hand, it seems likely that the opponents are relying on ruffing values to make this game. They surely are if partner has any notable honor values to contribute to the defense. A trump lead should maximize our ability to protect those values so that they might take a few tricks.
If partner is broke, they are probably cold for 4S no matter what I lead, although we might beat them if partner has a singleton diamond and the diamonds are divided 3-3. (That's why the Ace of diamonds is my second choice lead.) That specific distribution seems less likely than playing partner for some honor values, however.
Given that I have a good and shapely hand, it seems likely that the opponents are relying on ruffing values to make this game. They surely are if partner has any notable honor values to contribute to the defense. A trump lead should maximize our ability to protect those values so that they might take a few tricks.
If partner is broke, they are probably cold for 4S no matter what I lead, although we might beat them if partner has a singleton diamond and the diamonds are divided 3-3. (That's why the Ace of diamonds is my second choice lead.) That specific distribution seems less likely than playing partner for some honor values, however.
Posted 2016-May-02, 16:10
Lots of things in this hand. One, I hate leading a singleton trump; but the hand could be a cross ruff. I hate leading an A from AQ. I hate leading useless doubletons (partner didn't bid clubs). Given all that, I usually like to lead the unbid major. Lead the A of Hts. It would be nice to be able to take the first four tricks. Partner could have a king.
Posted 2016-May-03, 14:02
Top club. If partner can win with the ace or king, then a red card through declarer and the other ace.
Posted 2016-May-09, 10:53
Phil, on 2016-May-01, 16:48, said:
Caitlynne, on 2016-May-02, 12:49, said:
I would choose to lead my singleton spade.
bluechip10, on 2016-May-02, 16:10, said:
Lead the A of Hts.
robert2734, on 2016-May-03, 14:02, said:
Top club.
Glad we got that settled then!

(-: Zel :-)
Posted 2016-May-09, 12:35
Seems all leads are equally repulsive. I had led the DA thinking it would be dummy's singleton by fear of helping declarer finesse my partner's Qxx or Jxxx trumps if I led S, or establishing dummy's suit if I led C. And as H are shorter, I was more likely to cause damage than from leading a long suit.
Sure enough, dummy was 4126 and declarer had the DK (but the contract makes on any lead).
Seems all leads are equally repulsive. I had led the DA thinking it would be dummy's singleton by fear of helping declarer finesse my partner's Qxx or Jxxx trumps if I led S, or establishing dummy's suit if I led C. And as H are shorter, I was more likely to cause damage than from leading a long suit.
Sure enough, dummy was 4126 and declarer had the DK (but the contract makes on any lead).
Posted 2016-May-09, 15:29
apollo1201, on 2016-May-01, 16:18, said:
MPs, all red ♠ x ♥ A Q x x A Q T x x x ♣ x x
LHO deals and opens 1C, your partner passes and RHO bids 1S. You conveniently decided to play 1NT as a two suiter longer in the cheaper suit so that is what you bid:It doesn't impress much LHO who jumps to 3S, nor RHO who bids 4. After 3 passes, find the lead now...
LHO deals and opens 1C, your partner passes and RHO bids 1S. You conveniently decided to play 1NT as a two suiter longer in the cheaper suit so that is what you bid:It doesn't impress much LHO who jumps to 3S, nor RHO who bids 4. After 3 passes, find the lead now...
- ♠x Declarer already suspects that you are short in trumps.
- ♣x Passive.
- ♦A Aggressive.
- ♥A Ditto.
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