2C (2S) P P
X P 3S P
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Whopper of a bug Passing a cuebid
Posted 2016-April-24, 23:11
Your link tries to open a file with a .lin extension, which has no program association on my machine. I think that if you link to "movie" rather than "lin" in myhands it is more compatible.
Psych (pron. saik): A gross and deliberate misstatement of honour strength and/or suit length. Expressly permitted under Law 73E but forbidden contrary to that law by Acol club tourneys.
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m
ing) tr. v. - Any bid made by bridge player with which partner disagrees.
"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Psyche (pron. sahy-kee): The human soul, spirit or mind (derived, personification thereof, beloved of Eros, Greek myth).
Masterminding (pron. m

"Gentlemen, when the barrage lifts." 9th battalion, King's own Yorkshire light infantry,
2000 years earlier: "morituri te salutant"
"I will be with you, whatever". Blair to Bush, precursor to invasion of Iraq
Posted 2016-April-25, 00:10
1eyedjack, on 2016-April-24, 23:11, said:
Your link tries to open a file with a .lin extension, which has no program association on my machine. I think that if you link to "movie" rather than "lin" in myhands it is more compatible.
Very weird. 2 robots having a misunderstanding with each other

Posted 2016-April-25, 06:29
I think this is another hand where GIB doesn't like any of his choices for bids, so he passes.
Posted 2016-April-25, 08:35
It does make me ask
a) does the bot play anything like X=double negative, P=waiting, over 2c (2s)?
b) why didn't East just bid those hearts? Afraid of being passed in 3H?
a) does the bot play anything like X=double negative, P=waiting, over 2c (2s)?
b) why didn't East just bid those hearts? Afraid of being passed in 3H?
Posted 2016-April-26, 11:38
Obviously West's pass is a bug, no comment needed. I am fine with the first pass by E, but then I would settle for a simple 4H, showing some values but needing significant extras for slam.
With GIB's current programming we have the unfortunate self-exacerbating problem that GIB cuebids too frequently on hands where a simple suit bid would be better, and that GIB's ability to interpret and act intelligently after partner's cuebid is extremely limited (and that is an understatement).
With GIB's current programming we have the unfortunate self-exacerbating problem that GIB cuebids too frequently on hands where a simple suit bid would be better, and that GIB's ability to interpret and act intelligently after partner's cuebid is extremely limited (and that is an understatement).
Posted 2016-April-30, 15:50
Siegmund, on 2016-April-25, 08:35, said:
It does make me ask
a) does the bot play anything like X=double negative, P=waiting, over 2c (2s)?
b) why didn't East just bid those hearts? Afraid of being passed in 3H?
a) does the bot play anything like X=double negative, P=waiting, over 2c (2s)?
b) why didn't East just bid those hearts? Afraid of being passed in 3H?
I of course know you are a USA expert.
Here is your hand diagram.
- " a) does the bot play anything like X=double negative, P=waiting, over 2c (2s)?"
The exact explanations are
pass= not suit call, forcing.
double=penalty double --- 5+♠,8+TPs,forcing.
Please see my evidence hand :
Result : 2♠Nx-1
Hoping BBO Gib experts improve 2♣ system as soon as possible.
- " b) why didn't East just bid those hearts? Afraid of being passed in 3H?"
I think this is a bug.
Here I replayed this hand, got same result.
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